@Minnesota Timberwolves

The inevitable will come, but he wouldn’t want us to be upset. We gotta persevere…

The inevitable will come, but he wouldn’t want us to be upset. We gotta persevere…

by XXXClemtacion


  1. thiswasmy19thchoice

    I’m already prepared for him to walk for nothing, and look like the better center as soon as next season

  2. Odd-Train-4253

    What’s his backstory? The announcers last night were talking about how much he has had to overcome. Naz Reid

  3. karlwhethers

    As much as it sucks, we need to trade him. Connelly is not trading Gobert so we won’t have the role he deserves as a 3rd Center.

    Connelly backed us into a corner where there’s no reasonable path to keeping him, so we might as well get something.

  4. Minute-Decent

    Fuck man I might cry. Can’t think about this.

    Will cross that bridge when we get there

  5. Time-Arachnid-4836

    Unless we win a playoff series I won’t forgive Connelly for this

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