@Golden State Warriors

“Quite frankly, the writing’s on the wall” Draymond Green on the possibility of not being a Warrior 👀

“Quite frankly, the writing’s on the wall” Draymond Green on the possibility of not being a Warrior 👀

by we_hella_believe


  1. Jesuisunetchoin

    He def gone lol, I kinda feel that the big 3 is getting a bit bored and that they achieved the only thing they had to do, I wouldn’t mind a bit of fresh air even if it means not winning immediatly

    I mean I am greatful for these years, and at this point it’s better for us to enjoy these last rides, whatever the result is at the end

  2. StephCurryInTheHouse

    Its obvious Draymond just wants to go play with Lebron. Whereever Lebron ends up is where Draymond will be and its almost guaranteed, it’ll probably be in LA after they off-load Rus.

  3. neo9027581673

    Warriors will sit back and Dray will opt out and leave. Dubs address the repeater tax, Dray is free. Doubt it’s for the LAL tho. They have their own wars cooking with Klutch and CAA Sports.

  4. Honest_Fox_8162

    He’s going to Memphis or to be Brons 3rd ball sack

  5. DuckieTheDuckie

    This is fucking heartbreaking 😭😭😭

  6. SoFloFoSho

    It’s something that I wish Draymond wouldn’t put out there cuz that means the national media will take it and run. But he isn’t wrong. He knows how this goes. He’s been around long enough. If the team was going the direction of bringing him back, they’d have moved a bunch of these younger guys to clear the books as much as possible of these Wiseman and Moody deals and try to get vet mins on the cheap. It is what it is.

  7. AntonioLovesHippos

    After Draymond punched Poole, I didn’t see a lot of people ask about what Joe Lacob thought about it. I bet Lacob wasn’t a fan.

  8. Dynasty_30

    At this point, I’m all for shaking things up. Lacob surely sees it too. The core 3 are too old to carry us every night. We do need to incorporate more of the young guys because that’ll be our best shot of being competitive in the future

    At a certain point, we have to get the financial situation under control too. There’s just no way it makes any business sense to be paying the highest payroll in the league to be a play-in team

  9. TylerDurdensAlterEgo

    Meh. At this point, I feel like he’s mostly a 16-game player, and this is his best opportunity to play those 16 games

    I mean 16-game player as a compliment. Let everyone else scrum around for 82 and he’ll rally big-time in April

  10. Schraiber

    If Lacob chooses Wiseman over Draymond I don’t even know what to say

  11. rarestakesando

    Is the potential of loosing out on a player that is a couple years away from being a couple years away worth risking loosing the best defensive player in the history of the world and splitting up the most complimentary player from the best shooter ever?

    If the FO is trying to continue to compete for a chip for the end of Currry’s prime and don’t want to go too crazy into the luxury than Wiseman has to be moved either by the deadline or in the off season.

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