@Los Angeles Lakers

NBA Says Embiid Did Not Foul Westbrook on the last possession

NBA Says Embiid Did Not Foul Westbrook on the last possession

by JohnStewartBestGL


  1. litlegoblinjr

    NBA gotta be trolling at this point. I would say half of the “fouls” embiid draws are marginal arm contact

  2. Bahamut727

    Russ gathers the ball and Embiid hand is still holding Russ’s wrist

  3. masterako

    Relax guys. Embiid was only helping wb cross the street.

  4. Kanajeji

    You think they’d admit robbing us on three consecutive potential game winning plays.

  5. NBA: We have investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing.

  6. Cul_what

    Nah so literally holding down a hand isnt a foul anymore? Huh?

  7. MisterHibachi

    If that’s marginal contact, then all of Embiids free throws weren’t deserved.

    The reffing in this league is infuriating

  8. thousandtokens

    How is there no accountability from someone besides themselves? There should be a neutral party reviewing the refs performances.

  9. chargerland

    James harden has made a career on “marginal contact” what a joke

  10. Resident_Frame

    When you got Boston fans on r/nba saying this is BS, you know you’ve done something lmaoo

  11. They are right, you aren’t an NBA player if you can’t shoot without your shooting hand.

  12. IskaralPustFanClub

    Oh well I suppose if the NBA says it, it must be true.

  13. Ham needs to start going hard at the refs and eat a few fines. Get as many quotes out there about the blatant poor officiating so more eyes get on it and more articles are put out. Shame them into fixing this shit.

  14. __-o0O0o-__

    we should grab an arm on every drive by the opposing player then. lets see what happens

  15. GryphonHall

    I’ve seen the picture. Fully closes is hand on Westbrook’s wrist.

  16. League will do anything but hold the Refs accountable. The Kings were shafted several time & not were facing the awful calls. The League gotta be better. Atleast try and lie better because they were caught in 4K.

  17. jobeeeeeeem

    I swear if they lose against the tanking Rockets i will start a riot 🤣🤣🤣

  18. Immediate_Candidate5

    The NBA really needs to do something about the officiating. The travel calls, carrying while dribbling, to KD clearly went out of bound trying to save the ball but wasn’t an out.

  19. justredditting1010

    So the same contact that Brown made when on the play that was challenged? That is crazy

  20. joshc0991

    They’re just as blind and delusional as the Philly fans saying it wasn’t a foul

  21. Nah, I actually do agree with the refs here. We are being emotional, Embidd wasnt trying to foul Westbrook, he was being kind and wanted to hand hold Westbrook to their first prom night together. Thats fair game.

    We are so silly. Thanks the NBA! Great work once again, your organization and your refs are truly the cream of the crop!

  22. Capt_Wholesome

    How to tell your fanbase that the 2 minute report is actually total BS

  23. Adam2190

    That’s actually hilarious, how do they expect anyone to take them seriously with takes like this.

  24. NBA not even trying anymore. Just straight up gaslighting. NBA has zero credibility.

  25. PresentArea6919

    At this point, lebron could catch a right hook from someone, straight to the nose, and still wouldn’t be a foul.

  26. Tangentkoala

    See this is why I don’t like refs reviewing other refs. Especially in challenges. Like you really think a refs gonna drop his ego on a challenge play that can go both ways? Especially a refs starting out in the league.

    Have one old retired 30 year ref review on the cameras.

  27. Waly_Disnep

    There’s a clause in Embiid’s contract that says he must get 10-20 free throws a game.

  28. Nana8batman

    Some of y’all are so depressed, hmu if you need a Lakers Support Group.

  29. Spaghettibeach

    Yea that game was steered, they had bets on Philly or they had people with bets who give them a cut. I was there, Philly got every fucking call while playing dirty as hell

  30. PrimaryAcanthisitta8

    Lol do these nba refs think they are pat bev now?!?! Y’all cannot trick us with these no calls man we saw the footage clear as day he’s got his hand gripped around his whole wrist foh!!

  31. ![gif](giphy|14ixoD5AoPF3eE)

    NBA: Who you gonna believe? Me, or your lying eyes?

  32. Eaglesfan1997sb

    Sixers fan here. Nobody receives the benefit of the doubt more when it comes to marginal contact than Embiid and Harden. Super strange tho they don’t give that benefit to other teams.

    Well they do say that Philly does get away with tons of holding. I guess that also translates to our NBA team as well. 🤷‍♂️

  33. Bruinrogue

    So basically Embiid has to whack someone with a chair to be called a foul.

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