@National Basketball Association

[Zach Lowe] The topic of Jokic being the best passing Center of all-time is done. He is already. Jokic is now contending for the title “Best Passer of All-time”. In the same conversation with Magic, LeBron, etc. He is that good.

[Zach Lowe] The topic of Jokic being the best passing Center of all-time is done. He is already. Jokic is now contending for the title “Best Passer of All-time”. In the same conversation with Magic, LeBron, etc. He is that good.

by f0urxio


  1. GrimboeSlice

    Find someone who loves you like Zach Lowe loves Jokic.

  2. GovernmentDoingStuff

    He’s already in that convo too. This man needs some titles though. ASAP

  3. JeanVicquemare

    Zach’s not wrong. Some people aren’t really paying attention though. My metric is, are there any players who made passes that you don’t think Jokic can and would make? I don’t think so- I don’t think there’s any conceivable pass that he wouldn’t make. So, I can’t put anyone in a tier above him. If you disagree, show me a pass some other player made that you don’t think Jokic would make

  4. HoelEmbellyDancer

    Before we get to that conversation first he needs to pass Luke Walton for GOAT passer

  5. Naive-Air2866

    Never got to watch magic or stockton live. However i did watch nash kidd lebron and cp3 and im pretty comfortable at this point saying that jokic is the best passer i have ever seen

  6. tagprobablylag

    Big Honey is at the tippity top of the mountain

  7. IntrnetHteMchne

    > The topic of Jokic being the best passing Center of all-time is done

    this has been beyond obvious for literally years

    > contending for the title “Best Passer of All-time”

    i agree but not as sure about “*best* playmaker” which is a more interesting question (obviously he is extremely high on the list regardless)

  8. CapitalismEnthusiast

    He’s forgetting Sabonis and I’m not talking about Domas.

    Edit: Pau, Duncan, and Divac are all up there as well.

  9. Salahs_Chest_Hair

    Magic is renowned for running the fast break at 6’9.

    Then you have Jokic starting the fast break seamlessly at 7’0.

    These big men are getting increasingly skilled and it’s showing with Jokic.

  10. cactusmaster69420

    I like him but Jokic is by far the most sucked off player of the year and it gets old

  11. nobody1568

    Jokic was already a better passer than LeBron 3 years ago.

  12. With jokic, It’s not just making good passes. It’s defense manipulation. Lebron *was* in a class by himself In this era with that. Jokic is in that territory now. Luka is in range also.

  13. __john_cena__

    How can he be the best passer of all-time if he isn’t even the best passer in the league right now? He’s an elite passer but we’re pushing it.

  14. VeniceRapture

    These all time comparisons are so meaningless.

  15. MFDOOMBreadandbutter

    Jokic is not the best passer in the league

  16. DefiniteSauce12

    This is going to lead to one disappointing ass post season with the amount of talk the nuggets are receiving

  17. JimmyWasRight

    Zach Lowe the biggest Jokic dick rider.

  18. Not a chance. As good as Jokic is, his passing numbers are dwarfed by the goats in the playoffs. He needs multiple more playoff runs with much better numbers to even begin to enter the conversation.

    He really doesn’t even come close to guys like Magic, LeBron, Nash, Kidd, Zeke, or CP3

  19. PuzzleheadedOne1428

    Sure, don’t include Oscar Robinson or anything

  20. FlashSnoopy

    Ok so if I’m getting this right, Nikola Jokic is

    – The best player in the league

    – Most dominant player in the league

    – The best passer ever

    – The best scorer in the league

    – The best scoring center ever

    – The best defender in the league (thanks 538!)

    – The best rebounder in the league

    – Best teammate in the league

    – Most unselfish star in the league

    – Classiest player in the league

    How many more titles can we give him? I thinks Steph’s title as best shooter might be in danger guys

  21. RoggiKnotBeard_

    [Zach Lowe] The topic of Jokic being the best defensive Center of all-time is done. He is already. Jokic is now contending for the title “Best Defender of All-time”. In the same conversation with the Great Wall of China, Bermuda Triangle, etc. He is that good.

  22. 281330eight004

    In the court of my opinion the best passer of all time is White Chocolate Jason Williams

  23. bootyhunter69420

    I’m not sure about that, but he’s an excellent teammate in 2k

  24. PattyRikk

    I love how these podcasters constantly feel the need to tell you how good this guy is. It’s unlinke any other player in the league. It’s like they want show off their bball IQ by stroking jokic every episode and telling you you’re an idiot if u don’t fall on your knees in praise of him everytime he plays lol

  25. Zach Lowe, welcome to the team of “x analyst is a Jokic fanboy”. As we all know anyone saying a likely 3x MVP winner is very good is only doing it to suck him off mindlessly.

  26. Burner_for_design

    Now that any random dude can score 40 points, everyone makes it a point to say that scoring records are era dependent.

    I feel like for some reason we aren’t there yet with assists?

  27. hallonemikec

    A couple years ago I would have thought this was over the top hyperbole….. But having watched him play a lot over the last couple years it’s pretty much fact. It’s a pleasure to watch the man play.

  28. gigglios

    Lebrons passing isnt at magic nash jokic tier

  29. sneaks88

    i’ve watched almost every nuggets game for the past five seasons so i’m obviously biased but i honestly can’t think of another player that is definitively a better passer than jokic. once you get to that top tier its all subjective.

    we’ve all seen the highlight packages but some of the most mind boggling passes from jokic never get seen because his teammate bricked an open 3 or got fouled on the finish. it’s honestly makes me mad

  30. skrtskerskrt

    Lowe is to Jokic what Windhorst was to Lebron

  31. pistonsareAss

    If he makes a title this year run I think he is going to be in some interesting conversations going forward

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