@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks Promote Kyler Korver To Assistant General Manager

The Hawks are finalizing a deal to make Kyle Korver an assistant general manager. Korver moves up in the front office under GM Landry Fields after several months as the franchise’s director of player affairs/development. Korver was a 2015 All-Star with Atlanta.

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  1. I am a bit frustrated. Hawks seem to just give jobs away without anyone proving anything. I love Kyle Korver, but he was hired to help develop shooting. Hawks shooting % this season went down. Not saying that’s all on Korver, but that was his job. Travis did good work, and he was pushing to get the right pieces, even if it went into luxury tax. Then out of blue, he steps down, then Fields was promoted to be the GM after only 2 years of joining the Hawks as an assistant GM. What was his accomplishment? I feel like the ownership is trying to save money more than anything. We have good pieces in players now. It’s not too late to turn things around. Bite the bullet. Fire Nate, get better coaching staff and focus on running plays based on what our players can do. The Bucks’ game was a great example of how Nate operates. Without Trae, Nate relies heavily on Bogi to shoot his way to victory. Bogi was forced to make some bad shot selections, while rest of the players look lost out there in offense. With Bogi out there shooting, no one attempts to attack the basket, nor try to stretch the floor. Great job at keeping Giannis to only 7 pts, but Bucks have other good players. They were eating like they were at a Sunday buffet. How do you run down one of the best offensive teams last season to one of the worst? Sure defense improved, but I credit most of that to acquiring DJ. He is a good defender and he builds defensive mindset on other players, similar to Pat Bev and Marcus Smart. Even Trae contests shots more. When Capela is out we still can’t guard the paint. That is, again, Nate depending on single player to do team’s job. I love my Hawks, but it’s been a very frustrating season for sure. Let’s be better!!!

  2. Nick is actually the head of the snake so in my opinion if u want to promote your 28 year old son with little to no basketball experience than you have to surround him with basketball minds. No ppl of color though but that's another conversation for another day.

  3. I like this Move. Hawks need something to change. Way way to much talent here to be under .500. They must get everyone playing together. Also Kyle is a GOAT in my book

  4. Nothing but respect from me regarding korver very intelligent excellent player and still young enough to understand today's gm

  5. I think there is alot of overreacting to the shakeup korver and fields have my respect restler hiring his son for president of operations maybe a figure head position. I think Tony restler wants to be the Jerry Jones of the nba and it's kinda working in the nfl!

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