@Golden State Warriors

imagine going into a coma in may 2014, right after steph’s first all-star season and steve just got hired as coach. you wake up today and this is the first picture you see

imagine going into a coma in may 2014, right after steph’s first all-star season and steve just got hired as coach. you wake up today and this is the first picture you see

by bahscohs


  1. sprinkles5000

    imagine going into a coma…no thanks!

  2. D_roneous1

    I would literally give two shits about Steph or Warriors if I was in coma for the last 8 years.

  3. FeelTheRealBirdie

    Havent seen Kerr in a suit in a while

  4. RimRunningRagged

    ngl, I kinda wish they’d make the coaches start wearing suits again

  5. LukaOwnsTheSunsMay15

    curry is a great basketball player and all but america would be fucked if those 2 were in charge 🤡

  6. waikiki_palmer

    “They fucking elected a basketball player as the US President?!?”

  7. KnotSoSalty

    Call me a homer but Kerr could legit consider politics if he wanted to.

  8. Macktologist

    Would I remember athletes are often invited to the WH?

  9. Evolutionary_Beasty

    Would be funny seeing him chew the mouthguard at press conferences

  10. tstrah707

    Why does he look like a 2k character here 😂

  11. Does going from top guard in the league to getting voted in as President qualify for MIP award?

  12. cock-a-dooodle-do

    I low-key think Steph would run for president one day.

  13. SaturdayCartoons

    Was proud to be an American after Biden’s words…

  14. opensourcer

    I totally missed the Curry Kerr 2020 campaign

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