@Philadelphia 76ers

[TrillBroDude] Based on Maxey’s post game press conference sounds like Doc was just lying lol

[TrillBroDude] Based on Maxey’s post game press conference sounds like Doc was just lying lol

by Rami-Al-Saham


  1. TheTrocadero

    Cmon, Doc would never lie to the media!

  2. ZarakiBankai

    Doc would be the man to kill Maxey’s smile. Hopefully it’s just temporary while he gets his legs back

  3. bravof1ve

    Play better defense and we aren’t having this conversation. That’s all it comes down to

  4. SatanCarpet

    Doc is the goddamn devil I’m telling you

  5. GarfieldFromGarfield

    fuck, that doesn’t bode well then. i feel like it’s definitely in the realm of possibility that he might not be a sixer post-deadline.

  6. SamHinkieKnew

    Doc actually got that call from Maxey when he was designing their zone defense to work on in practice, which they do all the time.

  7. I don’t want to ruin any vibes that I might about this team, but I have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that says that Rich Paul / Maxey / Klutch is going to use this benching as ammo to set in motion a request to trade him.

    They might say that the Sixers are trying to yank his value so that they don’t have to offer him a RookieMax. Especially if his PPG starts to drop, I expect to hear rumbling.

    Luckily, I’m usually wrong about stuff like this. Plus, Maxey playing more second unit minutes will likely improve his scoring average as his USG should go up. If anything, Shake might be a little pissed to play more with Maxey than Melton.

  8. ThatBull_cj

    He probably was but it sounds better for everyone is Maxey is on board. No young player wants to come off the bench. Just too much to lose

  9. DrBigChicken

    Honestly I’d prefer my coach lie to the media every time he talks to them

  10. willscharnagl

    is there a source for the original quote other than “aidanlaporta69”?

  11. Altruistic_Fun3091

    Glenn apparently also lied earlier in the year when he claimed Maxey called because he “never” had a vacation and didn’t know what to do. He blatantly lied when in a later interview he denied making his post-Alanta loss comment about Simmons. This time it appears Glenn was attempting to manipulate Maxey’s response to the demotion by putting a falsehood out. It’s good to see that Maxey isn’t playing along.

    TL:DR Glenn is a lying sack of excrement and has to go.

  12. eagsrock20

    Didn’t we learn this from the whole Tobias saying they never practice zone incident?

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