@Houston Rockets

When you realize you’re about to lose your job and back to Turkey

When you realize you’re about to lose your job and back to Turkey

by shakaoneaj


  1. I’d normally feel bad but he was given an amazing opportunity while not being very good at his job. There were so, so many examples over the last two years where he completely butchered translations, both ways.

    I’m sure he enjoyed it and it was great for his resume though

  2. hiimatlas

    Yeah as a Turkish speaking fan, I witnessed so many times where he made completely wrong translations that I would worry he would stagger Alpiā€™s English learning progress. But I believe his main job is to just be there for Sengun wherever he needed help and his impact is actually huge so Iā€™m thankful as a fan.

  3. Deimarrr

    he is not actually his translator, he is senguns personal assistant or trainer or somethig like that. he just helps him as good as he can while sengun is learning the language.

    so i dont think hes losing his job šŸ™‚

  4. Vegetable_Train4213

    God I miss Alpiā€™s old translator šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø

  5. kaailrage

    He’s a horrendous translator probably the worst ever in that profession.

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