@Los Angeles Clippers

Watching all the Doomers acting like this is the worst our Org has been.

Watching all the Doomers acting like this is the worst our Org has been.

by ElDuderino_92


  1. rollsomemo

    Oh I’ve been through some low points… let me find my Al Thornton jersey

  2. RandomGuyNobodyKnows

    Bro considering the expectations for the team at the start of the year, this is one of the worst years for us.

  3. ryanwongcpa

    Remember the good old time in 1998 when we have our own Kobe named Tyrone Nesby?

  4. InstantReco

    Can’t really compare this team to the pre-Lob City teams. Expect for that brief run with Cassell and Brand, this franchise never had legitimate expectations of competing.

    Right now we have a Finals MVP paired with another star and we’re struggling to stay above .500. That’s unbelievably bad.

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