@Memphis Grizzlies

Maximum Copium from the Lakers fans after just 1 win.

Maximum Copium from the Lakers fans after just 1 win.

by BuildAroundLeBron


  1. 1Rixoveli

    I definitely wanna see them 1st round playoffs but they won’t be there

  2. martonio-30

    I’m starting to understand that there is a larger issue with the people of California. God forbid the kings start winning

  3. RollingDoingGreat

    They’ll be lucky to make the playoffs

  4. TunaBoy3000

    Lmfao that’s the biggest joke of comments I’ve ever seen. We played like absolute dog shit and the referring game plan favored lakers over us (from a speed/tempo standpoint not even arguing calls) and we still only lost by 1 which shouldn’t have actually happened had correct things been made/done the last 30 seconds of the game.

    What a good batch of copium those kids are snorting

  5. Fluid_Negotiation_76

    LeBron looked like he was going to collapse right before his team bailed him out. But we’re the soft ones.

  6. Kalil4Real

    They could win the chip as long as the refs keep handing them national TV wins

  7. BulkyAbrocoma

    Mark Jackson tweeted that LA would be favourites in a first round matchup .

  8. Snoo_96430

    Goddamn there is just some kinda mental issues with GSW and Lakers fans they suffer some kinda derangement syndrome.

  9. muddyklux

    What I’d like to know is why Jenkins wants our team to play half court offense last night. Our players just came out flat and could not buy a bucket. I believe we hit a season low of 4-6 transition points

    Meanwhile, Lakers continued to play face pace and got 20+ transition points.

    Bane looked fouled to me as did Westbrook, which was clearly grabbed by Embiid yet CNC on L2M

  10. How come whenever we lose a game, it’s like the other team just won a damn championship on r/nba lol

  11. Wild talk from a team giving Troy Brown significant minutes ngl

  12. Wild talk from a team giving Troy Brown and Kendrick Nunn significant minutes ngl. They’re probably the team with the least depth in the league.

  13. pianoandbeer

    Bottom line for both teams is prove it on the court come playoff time (if applicable to the Lakers). Grizz have the confidence just gotta execute at the end of the day no matter who is or isn’t talking shit.

    We played terribly and still lost by one. It’s one game, this shit happens. It’s a good sign Grizz losing is this big of a deal for teams. Just shows people so used to us winning this season that it’s an event when we don’t

  14. pabloescobarbecue

    I would very much like to see the Lakers in the playoffs

  15. PresentArea6919

    Not saying we would win the chip, but we’d spank you grizzlies in the first round lol

  16. DirtBagTailor

    Anyone else asking themselves “why the hell am I still on Reddit listening to this?”

  17. Infamous-Band7927

    You guys still took two L s that day lol

  18. JackCraters

    I just love how the grizz win 11 straight games and most of them they blew out the other team. They lose one game by 1 point on the road in a game that could have gone either way, a game where we would have won by 10 if we just shot our average free throw percentage; and then all the sudden everyone comes out ready to trash the grizz. They were waiting so long for the grizz to lose so they could finally say something

  19. ChickenOvaRice

    The Grizz lose and folks here freak out, because that’s pretty rare. The Lakers win and folks there freak out, because that’s pretty rare. Two sides of the same coin!

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