@Chicago Bulls

This Chart has Vuc as one of the 4 worst defensive bigs in the league. Thoughts? From @NBA_University on Twitter

This Chart has Vuc as one of the 4 worst defensive bigs in the league. Thoughts? From @NBA_University on Twitter

by PM_me_ab_ur_landlord


  1. teewertz

    I mean. yeah. they didn’t get him for defense lol good rebounder tho

  2. Thatguy_Koop

    he’s not a shot blocker. everyone knows he’s not a shot blocker. its why our defense is reliant on perimeter defense. we aren’t trying to block shots at the rim, we’re trying to keep teams from attacking the rim at all.

    so if I’m understanding the graph right, ideal Vuc is in the quadrant that he’s in right now. he’s not really stopping much, but he’s not getting attacked as much either. that’s a win for us.

  3. thisisjustascreename

    Wouldn’t have guessed Vuc and Brow would be in the same quadrant.

  4. Ok-Party1007

    Anybody who watches the Bulls on the reg would not be surprised

  5. StoicRetention

    i did not expect Mitch Robinson to be that bad

  6. StephNoh

    There’s more to defense than rim protection. Vooch’s rim protection does stink, but he has good hands and some more scheme versatility than he’s given credit for. Also a good defensive rebounder.

    The Bulls have had a top 10 defense since their Minny debacle, playing Vooch up to touch in a shallow drop and also hedging with him. He’s also been part of top 10 defenses in Orlando.

    I wouldn’t go so far as to say he is a plus, but in the right system he will be fine defensively.

  7. this graph makes no sense. if it had merit, vooch wouldn’t be in the same quadrant as Rob III and AD🤦‍♂️

  8. All I see is that Anton, Poeltl, and evan Robinson. All centers that Bulls fans have wanted/want are worse according to this chart.

  9. SmokimNoah

    This graph is weird but Vooch isn’t a good defender we all know that

    It’s kinda funny that all 3 guys in that bottom left corner are guys Bulls fans wanted this summer. Even me 🤷🏽‍♂️ with Poetl

    Also Wendell is a beast

  10. RowBoatCop36

    He ain’t great at as a rim defender, that’s for sure.

    His post moves are so slick though.

  11. hayzeusofcool

    Is that Mo Bamba hiding behind Bam & Giannis? đź‘€

  12. I don’t need a chart or stats. Anyone with eyes knows this lol

  13. HiImDavid

    That’s not actually what this says it just says he’s a bad rim protector which is an objective fact.

    But he helps make up for it with his defensive rebounding. And in terms of the non rim protection aspects of defense I’d say he’s a lot closer to average than most people claim.

  14. I mean every time someone is driving at him, there’s no fear they will get blocked

  15. kingjuicepouch

    Is that walker Kessler down underneath rudy? What a blow for Minnesota, they could’ve had most of the impact of rudy without giving up a kings ransom to get him

  16. Marcus11599

    That’s actually not what it says. It says the opponents really don’t attack the rim a lot but when they do they score okay. Title is stupid wrong

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