@National Basketball Association

Lebron Since Turning 38 years old is averaging 35/10/8

Lebron Since Turning 38 years old is averaging 35/10/8.. this is a 11 game sample size so not like 4 or 5 games..

This is crazy longevity and don’t know how long it holds loooool

by Dull_Application_424


  1. DirksSexyBratwurst

    “Are we sure he’s better than Lauri Markannen?”

    -Bill Simmons

  2. MWiatrak2077

    On 61% TS as well.

    Thank god for his paint abilities, because that mans outside shot is absolutely cooked at the moment

  3. KingNephew

    Hilarious people take guys like Tatum over him

  4. Hendo8888

    And it’s not even like he’s going full Kobe and just taking 30 shots a game, he’s doing it at his usual efficiency

  5. ResponsibilityOk235

    Can we just ban warriors flairs in threads about Lebron? I don’t get it I think they took all those 2016 memes to heart, they literally still salty 3 rings later. It’s insane, these mfers still ain’t forgive the man

  6. lowkey the Lakers sucking has blessed us with amazing Lebron stats

  7. JeffTeagueNo1Enemy

    somehow tatum was brought up in this thread lakers fans are hilarious

  8. KnivesInMyCoffee

    Still hope for the Suns of they can make it out of the first round!

  9. KevFromTheWick

    He is the fucking most complete basketball of all time. There is LITERALLY no debate anymore.

  10. chowdercup

    When is he in the MVP conversation? He sort of has to be included now I think

  11. JesusDaBeast

    Player of the month? Or should that still go to Jokic?

  12. Burnem34

    Remember when CP turned 37 last season and fell off an absolute cliff? LeBron turns 38 and goes up a level. Man’s probably gonna enter his 6th prime at 40

  13. Parsnip-Independent

    And yet the Lakers are gonna fumble this greatness if they can’t even make the play in

  14. AtreusIsBack

    Are we gonna get these posts every game now? “Since turning 38…” He’s great, we get it, but this is just shameless karma farming. Low effort posting.

  15. Xc0liber

    He doesn’t wanna keep the scoring record breaking day waiting.

  16. indigo_fish_sticks

    He should then 38 every year to keep up these averages.

  17. medspace

    When bron retires, it’s definitely not gonna because of his play

  18. LeBron_Jarnes

    I know it’s a faster paced league with laxer rules at times, but this is still impressive. There aren’t many players in NBA history able to consistently drop even 18ppg in their late 30s.

  19. PlaybolCarti69

    I feel like Bron has been overshadowing CP3s really impressive longevity

  20. yesiamark

    His Greatness plus Genes ,Discipline, Work ethics and Man’s love for Basketball. He’s GOAT whether you like it or not.

  21. Damn he even passed 38k points after becoming 38

  22. DwellerInIce

    Lakers also are 7-3 in those games and he has a +- of +93. 61%TS as well

  23. Milan_Leri

    >this is a 11 game sample size so not like 4 or 5 games..

    This is a 5 game sample size so it’s not like 1 or 2 games…

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