@Golden State Warriors

Daily Discussion Thread | January 23, 2023

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  1. LaughingPlanet

    Can’t imagine how shitty I’d feel right now if the 9ers had choked as well

  2. disfadbidge007

    Man we’re back to 10th seed. Feels like the past few losses can be directly linked to the starters. Bench has got it going now and starters are the ones lagging behind. So frustrating but we can only hope they figure it out, however, I still feel we need to get a big or an athletic 4/small ball 5.

  3. x-gsom-ab612

    Possibly the most frustrating season since 2013-14. You can understand the vision of how the bench can produce. The starters ball out to start the season but the bench lets us down.

    The bench finally starts to come together about 35-40 games in with DDV/Joku stepping up to the plate big time but some of the starters are understandably rusty and havent returned to top form since the injuries. Joku becoming the defender we need.

    The tools are there. Just cannot put it together at all so far like one great symphony.

  4. CollectionUpstairs66

    The only thing that explains this imo is that the vets have lost motivation.

    They always play like dogshit and get punked by bad teams.

    But against teams whom they have history with they always show up.

    For example: vs Memphis on Christmas, vs Cavs early in the season, vs and @ Celtics everyone was on their A game.

    But against Bulls, Jazz, Magic etc. and tonight there’s always at least 1 vet that doesn’t show up.

    @Jazz early in the season Klay took a day off.

    Against the Bulls it took Warriors going down 18 in the first quarter for Curry to take a shot.

    And tonight Curry just watched as Klay took bad jumpers in ISO.

    The only ones who consistently play with a sense of urgency/with heart are Kuminga, Poole, DDV, Looney, Ty Jerome and Lamb. Others choose when they want to show up and when they don’t.

  5. t1000mutalisk

    Are they gonna take sleeping pills before games again?

  6. Necroassassin32

    Number 1 most frustrating game I’ve ever watched.

    I hate the “Let’s just meet in the playoffs” mentality of this team.

    Every win counts because we are a mid ass team and we need to secure a spot! You can see our starters except for Loon who are very unmotivated.

    When they have the 17th point lead, the defense completely vanished. Similar game to Boston.

    Wiggins and Klay. Ya’ll our 2nd and 3rd best players the past few games, where are you when we needed you? 😭

  7. TheBlueGuy0

    There are plenty of games to shit on Poole for his play on, but the game earlier today was not one of them. He made some great reads and didn’t force any stupid shots like he did against Cleveland, drove inside to collapse the defense and made the extra pass to the open shooter. You don’t just look at the box score and see a -10 and throw out all context. Our bench played great today, we just cooked by Kyrie and our core + Wiggs being ass garbage

  8. clezuck

    Send Klay to the G-League for a few weeks to practice and get his rhythm back?

  9. WeeklySavings

    Do u guys think 16 fga is reasonable for Steph or he should be taking more

  10. nghbrhd_slackr87

    What a strange season. Still in a great mood cuz that Niners win but man when we were up 17 I was legit thinking “alright this is the game they turn the corner”… I’m an upbeat dude but that one was just baffling to me. Gotta give credit to Kyrie he got us but all the weirdness of letting Claxton get 20 and doing the Hack-a-Clax. Strangest game of the season to me not brutal just a total headscratcher. I kinda think at this point if we’re gonna just teeter around 500 playing the vets. Might as well play PBJ and Wise when he’s healthy cuz honestly it’s the energy that’s not there. I honesty think Wiseman would’ve helped with Claxton in spot minutes last night.

  11. Kuroyukito

    Please work out the crunch time offense. It’s non existent in the 4th quarters. I don’t know if it’s a personnel issue or coaching issue. Probably a bit of both.

  12. neo9027581673

    Tough loss because the vets are too comfortable. So I’m in favor of a end of the roster shake-up. JMG, Moody and a 2nd rounder will bring back something.

    As long as the extremely well-paid vets are comfortable bricking 30-footers and not driving into the paint, the uneven losses will continue.

  13. herbtothelungz

    The vets have had some terrible late-game execution all year. On both ends of the court.Bad defense and even worse offense. Like Klay taking the last shot last night was crazy. We are a mediocre team.

  14. Ball_ChinnedKid

    Losing is fine. But the way they are losing is not fine and frustrating to watch. Blowing leads, silly unforced turnovers, lack of effort and discipline, poor execution down the stretch, poor rotations, etc. I can think of 10+ games they gave away this way.

    The Lakers last night were down big. But Lebron + role players showed more heart & effort than any of the Warriors players. This team is pathetic and should feel embarrassed because they cannot play 4 quarters of great basketball.

  15. TomatoBuster01

    If we we’re just going to play like that from this point forward, I’d rather have the team to participate in the draft lottery. This draft has some of the best wing prospects in a long while. I love Whitmore and Brandon Miller the most

    Coach Kerr, i will always love you, but this loss is on you. Kuminga should’ve been there

  16. D-Bagz123

    Did you guys know the past two games Klay and Wiggins have played they’ve combined for 10 rebounds.

    Poole has out rebounded them both with 12 rebounds those past two games. This the actual reason this small ball lineup not working.

    Wiggins and Klay are playing with no heart on the defensive end and aren’t rebounding at all.

    And speaking of Wiggins if Klay or Poole were doing what he was doing during this stretch this fanbase would be demanding trades. JK was out for 8 games and has already outplayed him significantly in two games. Someone gotta tell him to get his act together.

  17. youriko31

    Dubs needs to start a winning streak. And that all starts against Memphis. They need to go ham moving forward.

    Hopefully, this loss is a wake-up call to them. But we have to see if they’ll finally turn up the heat.

  18. parisdubs

    Wow. There is so much defeat in this sub. Wiggins and Steph are just back and reintegrating and Klay has recently been fantastic and fully back – this game was an aberration for him. This team has some problems it has to fix. But it also has a lot of talent. The coaching staff and has problems to solve, but they are also talented. A season is full of so many variables; there are so many talented players in this league. There are mysteries to sort out and real problems to fix too. We are a great team playing not so well, but sometimes shining bright. I feel like being a fan involves paying attention and riding and feeling all these variables at once in the games. It’s not always joyful for sure, but that’s part of cheering for the team. Not blindly but embracing the whole deal…

  19. vulcans_pants

    A big reason I always advocated trading for Collin Sexton before his new contract is that Sexton was usually among the league leaders in points per drive.

    That’s the biggest element missing right now. We don’t have a guy that can force his way to the rim, either through brute force or speed.

    It’s why the offense collapses in late game situations. Even when Curry is rolling, defenses will just send multiple guys in his direction and dare someone else to score. Or they switch everything and blow up our actions.

    We need to spam PnR more in these situations; that was a big element of our playoff run.

    I would have kept Kuminga in the game late; even as the offense was looking stale. He’s about the only guy that cuts hard, and he’s certainly the only guy that can go get a bucket in the paint.

    The closing group that I think is ideal:

    – Steph
    – Donte
    – Klay
    – Kuminga
    – Dray

    On defense, Kuminga and Donte can guard the two best offensive players. Unless Klay is allowed to be physical (like in the playoffs), he just can’t hang with shifty guards anymore.

    On offense, throw Klay and Donte in the corners, and let Steph run PnRs with Dray. Kuminga can hover in the dunkers spot or above the break.

    When Wiggins is back to form, you’d probably want to swap him with Donte.

    The alternative is shift Curry down to SG and let someone else run PG. I almost want to try Ty in the closing group, but that would be rough on defense. Perhaps that’s why there were Pritchard trade rumors; he’s no defensive stopper, but maybe the FO does want a real point guard during clutch time. It lets Curry work off-ball.

  20. Ahrilicious

    I fucking hate /r/nba so much lol. Another moving screen circlejerk

  21. vulcans_pants

    Win, and we’d be in 5th.

    Lose, and now we’re tied for 10th with a rising OKC team.

  22. Dacconvis

    Honestly feel like this team just doesn’t have it. Record aside, nothing I’ve seen from this team shows me they have a realistic chance at competing for a championship. Maybe if a trade is done, but knowing this FO I’m not gonna keep my hopes high on that. What a disappointment of a season. Sigh.

  23. SeekingSignificance

    Anyone have any idea why Wiggins didn’t play any of the 4th? Can’t just be that he was playing like ass when Klay wasn’t any better.

  24. Wassup_-_

    Dusty Hannahs is balling in the g league

  25. Stomper8479

    Wiggins is not himself. I think that illnesses really take it out of him physically. I remember in 2020 he got off to a great start with Minnesota and then got sick. After we traded for him, everyone in the T-Wolves sub said he just wasn’t the same after the illness. Seems like a similar thing this year. He’s clearly off at the moment.

  26. TimTebrow

    Damn that Curry/Warriors hate thread on the front page today 😂 I wonder why they don’t like us..

  27. Dynasty_30

    The last 2 losses have been solely on the starters. I’m at the point where we need to embrace the youth movement and shake things up this off-season. There’s no point overpaying to keep vets who don’t feel like playing most of the time

  28. applene

    So many salty Celtics fans in that Rivers thread lol, fuck them

  29. Stomper8479

    Our big three seem to be all motivated by the same thing—disrespect. When they feel disrespected, they ball out (like the first Boston and Memphis games). If they aren’t getting disrespected they coast. They earned too much respect with the championship. There are no commentators saying the dynasty is over like last year. In fact most are saying that the Warriors will flip the switch in the playoffs.

    But right now the still have the respect of everyone and they are just coasting through the league until a team like the Grizzlies or Celtics or someone in the stands disrespects them (like Washington).

    Maybe what they need is for the NBA world to turn on them and say last year was a fluke. Maybe the FO should create bots on Twitter to incessantly disrespect them.

    Maybe these quotes by Rivers are exactly what we need

  30. Vallerie_09

    Hope Looney will start again in the Memphis game. I can’t handle this 3 guard stuff specially the Curry, Klay, Poole starting the game. Poole’s defense and lack of box outs can’t make up for his offense. Expecting Klay and Wiggins to bounce back, or at least one of them to have a good/great game. Wiggins need to be more active on OREBs and interior scoring with the 3 guard lineup, considering he’s the most athletic starter.

  31. Pereise1

    Feels like there’s always something holding us back and limiting us all season long whether it’s lack of effort, fatigue, injuries, or this mysterious chemistry issue on defense. If we had a better record, I get the feeling that Steph and Wiggins would still be resting. Steph’s been taking bad shots instead of taking it to the cup in crunch time like he usually does. Seems like he’s still wary about getting smacked on the shoulder and having to sit out another 2 weeks.

    As for Wiggins, it seems like he’s still not at 100% from the illness. I got RSV from a patient back around Thanksgiving and my lungs are barely back to normal after a month of coughing up blood and rib pain. Not saying Wiggins had it that bad but it’s been a bad flu season folks, I’d just give him some time.

    Not sure what’s been up with the coaching but it feels like Kerr is tryna send some sort of message with these lineups because I can’t otherwise make any sense out of it. We’re getting killed with all these 3-4 guard lineups and everyone’s too tired to be gang rebounding for an entire season after a shortened offseason. On the other hand, Imma need Kerr to start trusting the young guys more because Kuminga has been killing it and integrating PBJ into the lineup would make it easier to play bigger lineups without sacrificing shooting such as Poole-DDV-Kuminga-PBJ-Looney or something like that.

  32. m3ngnificient

    In 10 more games, if this team can’t figure out how to turn it around, I hope they go all in on the younger players and give them time to play. This just isn’t fair for them, they’re talented, and need playing time, but they can’t because we’re in a win now mode but can’t win games. I’d rather watch the puppy brigade play for the rest of the season and not make the playoffs than watch the starters slump.

  33. Hawcier

    We’re trending in the right direction so I’m optimistic. Bench has improved a ton. And are fun to watch. JP was locked in last game. And JK brings much needed strength to our front court.

    The starters have nothing to prove. Are hungover from the championship. The coaching staff should light their fire by closing out games with bench. Bring some inter-team competition. Clearly the young guys want to win.

  34. mattjchin

    FO needs to do something either a trade or FA buyout signing. Gotta be some movement of a player or players by the deadline. This squad just isn’t it.

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