@Miami Heat

Safe to say he knows 💀

Safe to say he knows 💀

by IAmBatman412


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  2. 3L-JEFE

    I liked Deadmon tho. He was a good backup for Bam cause not having a traditional big man is why we lost to the Lakers in 2020.

  3. OracleofFl

    If he was going to be traded, he would have had a different meeting and not in public. A dinner with Pat is more likely how to get on Spo’s good side and stop being a dick.

  4. Bob_snows

    First thought was that Pat caught him out. Could have been about business, let him know he is getting traded and what his options were. Or to reconcile. But it was probably just coincidence, and caught them saying Hi as they were walking in and out.

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