@Golden State Warriors

Something gotta change…

Something gotta change…

by Dennis_Gachanja


  1. BerkelMarkus

    That’s a good selection of score boxes.

  2. LA-Teams-hateaccount

    Everyone can complain about the two timeline roster construction (and I’ll agree, to a point, that wasting spots like Rollins’ has hurt them), but when you have a “cHaMpionsHiP cOrE”…they should be able to bring these games home in crunch time. It’s inexcusable how many close games they’ve lost because they couldn’t close out teams (or, quite frankly, do anything correct) down the stretch.

  3. DaYvngGOAT

    Our biggest problem is that we can’t close games. Vets wanna coast half the game and then turn it on when shit gets close it makes no sense to me. The way we play is literal .500 ball, and until this team shows us other wise, that’s what kinda team they are now

  4. wine_and_cheeze

    Well luckily this will be the 11th wake up call of the season. Hopefully this one actually makes them wake up??

  5. MegaJ0NATR0N

    No lead is safe for this team. They stop trying to play when they are up. They settle for contested 3’s in crunch time instead of going for the easy bucket. They try to run the clock instead of beating their opponent.

    I know the younger players have an excuse since they are inexperienced but what is the excuse for the the core playing like ass down the stretch

  6. dabbiedabbiedoo

    If we were able to close out games we’d comfortably be the 3rd seed.

    Lucky for us the 6th-10th seed is a jumbled mess of musical chairs and the 4th and 5th seeds aren’t that much higher up (the 4th and 5th seeds in the east are 12 and 10 games above .500, ours in the west are 5 and 2 above .500).

  7. Therealomerali

    I don’t want to hear about the bench because they’ve been producing. Kuminga, Lamb, Ty, Donte have all played far above any expectations that we had for them in the beginning of the season.

    Steph, Klay and Poole all shit the bed when they’re far ahead and start getting cute with the ball instead of putting there foot on the opponents neck.

    I also want to highlight Steph has been absolutely careless and unfocused since coming back from injury. FFS learn a pocket pass.

  8. Robotsaur

    Offense just gets way too three-happy and starts chucking away. It’s weird, because the Nets went to switching everything and the strategy was just to… iso? This team knows how to beat defenses that switch everything – they’ve done it countless times in the past.

  9. Curious-Gain-4991

    Things in common with how we lost those games. We double teamed someone in the paint and didn’t rotate and gave up wide open threes.

  10. PabloMesbah-Yamamoto

    Every other team now has a player or players who can knock down The Big Shot when it’s needed.

    The Warriors, alas, do not.

    The Warriors have players who can knock down cool shots and come up with cute little hand signals and gestures to show how great of a shot they just hit in the beginning and middle of a game, but when it comes to knocking down a shot at the end of a game, WHEN IT MATTERS, they are nowhere to be found. Not even Curry.

    No-names on other teams are making the Warriors pay. The dynasty is on its way out.

  11. b0baBEAST

    not exactly similar magnitudes but oh goddd reminding me of all the raider blown leads this past year 😂

  12. -CommanderShepardN7

    Steve Kerr is not doing his job. He cannot run the team like the roster is full of veterans, who know what they are doing. Afraid not, other than Steph, Klay and Dray, the dubs are a young team and we play like it. Inconsistent across the board.

  13. pinkiebear

    I’d like to also point out we’ve had handful of games where we’ve blown leads and were lucky to pull the game out. This is just who the team is.

  14. Kerr’s always strategizing. If he’s fooling around with rotations and holding them for a few games, I imagine he’s looking for constancy in players when on the court with different groups. I would image a trade is coming up, and they’re finalizing stats on what to do.

  15. theworldiscarmen

    This is spot on. Can we get this to Nick Kerr somehow??

  16. Geralt_of_McRibbia

    Your expectations for regular season basketball

  17. The-Truer-Facts

    Gotta get to the rim more but we fall in love with the 3 too much. We might need to trust Wiggins to just drive.

  18. rikitikifemi

    I remember the good old days of blaming Wiseman…remember them days…turns out Wiseman is a convenient scapegoat…whose turn is it now to shoulder the criticism for the team’s performance

    Maybe we should accept that the team’s chemistry issues are real.

  19. sonegreat

    Steph gets very passive at times trying to get others involved. But then he just tries homerun shots in the fourth. Wiggins is really trying to find his rhythm.

    I don’t love driving Klay. The ball is in Wiggins and Klay’s hand for too long.

    Positive: I don’t think it is lack of talent. It is honestly execution and rhythm. Which can be resolved.

    I do think team can use a trade just to streamline the rotations a bit. But it doesn’t need a heavy talent infusion.

  20. if this shit don’t turn around in the next couple of weeks, we’re fucked

  21. dudeyeah24

    That punch did a lot to fuck this team up. Management was spineless as hell to not even suspend Draymond for that, which sent a message to the rest of them. Are we surprised that Poole does some selfish stuff after the team made it clear that the championship core can get away with whatever they want? Someone has to move during the off-season and I’m thinking Poole will probably force a trade.

  22. rarestakesando

    I mean when they get ahead they should really start to manage the clock and move the ball until they get an easy 2

  23. Crikeyiwillforgetl8r

    Meritocracy and accountability for starters

    Maybe Kerr can scream at Klay “we’re trying to fucking win this game!” on national TV

  24. Inevitable-Ad-4192

    We have very suspect rim protection, team have been exploiting that fact in crunch time. We need a David West type veteran to seal the deal

  25. christmasKlay

    If we even won half of them everyone would be treating us as contenders rn.

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