@Memphis Grizzlies

Shannon Sharpe, Grizzlies Players Get HEATED During Court-Side Shouting Match

Undisputed co-host Shannon Sharpe got into a shouting match with Ja Morant, Steven Adams, Dillon Brooks, and Ja’s father Tee Morant while he was sitting court-side at a recent Grizzlies-Lakers game in LA. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. Funny how you forgot to mention that the player was the one who started talking trash and told sharp"fuck you" .

  2. He didn't throw shit.. or call the players racist names. He told dude he couldn't guard lebron, banes got mad and started cussin and talkin crazy.

  3. Respect??? If this had been a white dude he would be fired and have had his head on a stick! Fire this Man! Equal rights and equal firing please! After the fact apology is a no go!

  4. Being black does not give you a pass to act any way you please. Equal firing please! This Man needs to go! Terrible example for the youth. Ridiculous. Needs to be fired! Needs to made an example of. Words are one thing but getting physical is another. Ex player or not does not matter! Same rules for everybody period!

  5. This is what happens when you have an overbearing father coming over to something that doesn’t concern him. He wasn’t on the court he walked over to Mr. Sharp’s side.

  6. Shannon didn’t use foul language first. He was told to f himself and he responded in kind. He’s a grown azz man who has accomplished much so why would anyone tell him to f himself because he stated his opinion?

  7. What was the point of this ….what was the message…. the issue is a basketball player use derogatory language toward fan that paid a lot of money to be there… the fan being Shannon sharp… Dillon Brooks didn't want to talk about it ja Morant didn't want to talk about it cuz he know that Dylan started the nastiness… and that's okay ain't nobody tripping over this so it's a non-story…. so again what the hell is the point of this video when you don't talk about what originally happened… jackass tyt reporter

  8. He made a mistake……this holier than thou attitude kills me…..all Shannon said was you can’t guard him and they didn’t like that so he said fuck him and he replied and you come at him???????

  9. A former professional athlete should know better than to disrupt a game like this. You’re a grown ass man. Act like one. There’s absolutely no excuse for making a public scene like this.

  10. I don't know much about Shannon but if he did apologize for the argument I'm cool with him

  11. I love it!! I still you saying UA was going to be bigger than Nike 😂😂😂😂

  12. Wait He still got to continue to watch the game!!??? White privilege…oh wait nvm

  13. Lol either way he didn’t let nobody disrespect him he was a regular fan calling shit out Dillon bitch ass or whoever he is took it like a bitch and dropped the first verbal aggression

  14. Shannon Sharpe is not…..I repeat….NOT just a regular fan. Grizzlies talk too much 💩especially for a team that hasn't won anything yet! They don't want that smoke. They're soft like the rest of the players in the league today. With the exception of a few…..very few. And Ja along with the rest of his team are among them….all talk

  15. The Grizzlies talk more trash than anybody! Since when can fans not say “you can’t guard player X Y or Z” there was a time when players simple ignored fans , in Detroit we had a notable heckler by the name of “Leon the Barber” he would go hard at players was very witty and even at times had players on the bench cracking up at his barbs no one ever said “F you” because he got their goat

  16. Every one know Shannon a stand up dude y'all stop with the hate. The fact he even apologize to Ja father at the game proves what kind of character he has.

  17. I just discovered the disgusting allegations about #shannonsharpe from 2010 and I 💯 feel like he either scared that women into dropping charges or he paid her! For some reason #FSI think this coward is a good look for their network!
    I don’t want my kids looking up to this horrible person

  18. The #NBA is just a banana republic now that gets clicks and views and ratings for allowing disgusting and childish behavior. It used to not be like this! The #NBA not even that long ago was way more classier! #NBA has become clout chasers

  19. Mofo’s cannot go toe to toe talkn’ smack with Shannon!!………”Mofo’s didn’t want these problems!”Lmao

  20. So didn’t he just say “he’s too small “? Brooks then said “f you.” Sharpe said f you back? I think Brook was at fault along with everyone who put themselves in the confrontation.

  21. Shannon apologized. You seem like your mission is to tear him down. #notagoodlook

    Where is the Skip Bayless bashing video when he crossed the line multiple times on air?

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