@Miami Heat

Up vote this man! He is making huge strides and turning into an excellent player. 🐐

Up vote this man! He is making huge strides and turning into an excellent player. 🐐

by TruggWalg69


  1. surgeyou123

    Caleb was fine as a jack of all trades type but we need a legit 3 and D 4. If Highsmith can keep up this shooting then he should start.

  2. Esjay954

    That little kid flew 4,000 miles to watch jimmy but he got something better

    Highsmith masterclass

  3. IAmBatman412

    Trade caleb and strus man. Its pretty much a given that we can find more of these players, better to trade and get something of value imo. The lakers got hachimura off nunn for god sake

  4. oneofone305

    Bam and Highsmith won that game singlehandedly

  5. realudonishaslem

    He had a huge offensive rebound with a minute left to go as well.

    He better get Jimmy’s IG story shout-out tonight lmao

  6. cervesista

    I love Highsmith’s game. I have been of the mind that he should be part of our regular rotation kind of like how DJJ was when he was here. His form isn’t good but doesn’t stop him from taking threes when he’s open. Even at 33% (his average this year), I’mma take it.

  7. noochies99

    I keep forgetting his name is Haywood and calling him Alonso

  8. His defense is elite, especially his close outs.
    It’s fun to see players try to shake him off.

  9. bigdogdriver

    His defense tonight got in Tatum’s head

  10. BringTheHeat6

    I’ve been saying for ages that he should be getting more game time as he’s making big progress and then today he pulls this masterclass out

  11. OkLime8702

    Promote this man and let Martin go back to a natural position and remove minutes from strus Lowry. I just hope this game doesn’t convince the heat to offer him a 5 year max contract

  12. Ima stop doubting the front office…. When we signed him last year he couldn’t find a single thing I thought he was good at. No shot, bit at any type of head fake, no speed and basic athleticism

  13. soonandsoforth1

    Caleb Fartin is one of our problems. Not defending wings, occupying wing space, not shooting when open and trying to drive just to end up with bricks at the rim. Plus he is getting pushed around more than Tyler at this point. Get rid of him while we still can get something like a second round pick.

  14. kakabakaba

    Good rebounder and pesky defender. Haywood Highsmith, ladies and gentlemen.

  15. I_love_hiromi

    Saw this man’s greatness a mile away.
    Few have his excellent defensive form.

  16. avinash240

    He’s the closest thing we have to a 3 and D player, which is why he was getting all that early playing time when all the fans were like
    “Wtf is Spo doing?”

    Also, i noticed all the anti Martin posts in here. Can’t people be happy for Highsmith and leave it at that? You know “comparison is the thief of joy”

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