@Chicago Bulls

LaVine on shooting 4-of-36 from 3, since injuring his shooting hand:

LaVine on shooting 4-of-36 from 3, since injuring his shooting hand:

by OhiOstas


  1. Steinbulls

    THEN WHY SHOOT 36 TIMES FROM 3!?!?!? He’s lying and can’t admit he’s ice cold from 3 atm

  2. VampyVampster

    I expect major trades to this team before the deadline if not im done with AK and this front office, no one is untouchable especially Lavine, Vooch, and Demar, they suck

  3. NotNick_Foles

    This is just narcissistic. If he actually believed this he wouldn’t have shot 7 of them tonight.

    Excuse after excuse after excuse with this guy after losses.

  4. DeaseanPrince

    That hand don’t excuse all those dumb ass plays in the 4th. It might’ve worked if he didn’t do this shit ALL the time.

  5. It just feels like blowing up this roster is becoming inevitable at this point, like if we’re being realistic with the type of injury lonzo has had we don’t even know if he’ll return to pre injury form. It was a really special first half last year, but I just don’t see how this situation is salvageable.

  6. SmokimNoah

    His hand is probably bothering him, I mean he went two weeks shooting 53% from 3 before it, but it doesn’t excuse the way he played tonight.

    What I don’t understand is he’s been having so much success getting to the line the past couple games, had 6 in the 1st quarter tonight.. then.. just stops playing like that?

    When Demar’s shot is off, he’ll foul bait for 48 min straight. That’s what you’re supposed to do

  7. Strange-Effort1305

    Maybe stop jacking them up for a week?

  8. trubiskywetrust

    This shit gets tiresome from Zach Lavine. He’s ineffective whenever his physical condition is mitigated. Which, newsflash, is a reality of playing in the NBA. A professional scorer can get 20 pts a game with their left hand cut off.

  9. donnybaby97

    We just won 3 in a row no reason to panic

  10. WalkingLaserBeam

    He’s just touchy , guys . Probably exaggerating his injury.. but it’s ok . He’s prone to droughts like this ..

    I just would prefer if he didn’t even mention his injury & manned up like “ yeah I’m cold .. I’ll figure it out though .. per usual “

    That’s some real shit right there . Think Kobe was like that . Didn’t really know about some of his minor injuries till after the fact

  11. jamesid-2010

    gotta love the lavine haters coming out after this one. he had a bad game lol on to the next one

  12. ThrobbinRicke

    If it’s that bad he probably should get a few nights off because he’s going to hurt the team if he can’t dribble at the end of games

  13. Retrokicker13

    So are we back to criticizing him, or is this another excuse?

  14. LeadFarmerMothaFucka

    Well then quit shooting threes you absolute twat.

  15. G_Unit_Solider

    i just really wanna see him stop jacking up shitty looking threes in the 4th quarter with less than 5 mins to play. Dude loves taking horrible 3s in crunch time. And hes hesitant to drive as much since his knee injury likely doesnt wanna miss the season.

    sorry guys but hes getting paid similar money to what luka doncic is getting and hes not half the impact player luka is.

    I said it than ill say it now zach is a good player hes a 2-3rd scoring option on a contending team. But we the bulls decided to dish him out money the top tier players in the league who are major impact players.

    Remove derozan this team barely breaks .500

  16. volantredx

    Zach always has some sort of ache or pain that he pushes to play through, which is not uncommon, but he never seems to adjust his game to account for it. He just plays bad with no changes to what he does on the court. If he is unable or unwilling to take those steps just bench him for a week until he feels better.

  17. blacklite911

    Holy shit those are some Lebron 3pt numbers

  18. I’m surprised Zach has a messed up finger and not Vucevic who likes to give the middle finger

  19. D3S0L470R

    #If you cannot make the shots until your hand heals, then STOP SHOOTING

  20. The_Grogfather

    This sub needs to give lavine a break because he’s always the scapegoat when we lose. Dude is the only guy who’s stuck through this entire rebuild since he came here and has basically never caused an issue or complained when most other star players would have demanded a trade. He’s our guy and if he says an injury is bothering him then as a bulls fan we fucking back him in

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