@Houston Rockets

Alperen Sengun Is The FUTURE Of The Houston Rockets

The Houston Rockets have one of the NBA’s best kept secrets, and it’s time to unleash him. The future of this team doesn’t lie in the hands of Jalen Green or Jabari Smith, although they are important, it lies in the hands of Alperen Sengun. Or at least it should. Coach Silas needs to get the ball to him more often in the high-post or the top of the key, and give him more minutes. His passing can massively improve this team if they’ll let him, and he has the ability to become the NBA’s next great big man along with the likes of Nikola Jokic and Domantas Sabonis. Sengun has high scoring upside, is a good rebounder, and one of the league’s most underrated passers. He’s only 20 years old, and is improving by the day. Alperen Sengun is the future of the Houston Rockets.

Think about subbing, I’m almost at 4k!!!

#houstonrockets #nikolajokic #alperensengun


  1. I saw Hakeem's 1 hand ball fake and shake in him…he is unselfish and look for an open man! good to see him pair with KJ and TE in the pain, although his jump's and block shot is not there yet!

  2. Consistency.. if the kid becomes consistent he can be a force to reckon with.
    Last year he could not operate against bigger or faster players but that now that has somewhat changed

  3. Sengun is THE fan favorite for Rockets fans. To be fair to the coaching staff, last year his playing time was limited b/c he kept getting into foul trouble, while he was adjusting to the NBA rules. He is much better at staying out of foul trouble this year, but those old tendencies will surface every now & then. He has worked with Olajuwan too & is a quick study. He's going to be a star.

  4. The main issue is Stephen Silas. He runs an offensive system that would only work if Houston has a prime James Harden or Luka. The problem is they don't have either player. Silas' inability to identify his own player's strength is detrimental to their development. This just proves that Silas is not fit to be an NBA head coach. He is a positional assistant coach at best. Competent NBA head coaches would be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their roster and run an offensive system that best suited that roster.

    Whereas with Silas, he just continues to stick to his heliocentric offensive system where he forces KPJ and Green to run the offense as if they are Luka or James Harden, running constant pick and rolls and isolation. There is zero movement and cuts. This is an indicator of Silas' lack of awareness and incompetency to adapt and inability to make the needed adjustments for his team success. Silas continues to force a round peg into a square hole ruined any future chances at another HC job.

  5. Houston is managed very poorly. They tank for the next talent but do not care to develop existing talents. Silas doesn't give Alpie play for his "defensive shortcomings" but let the most defensively and offensively inefficient players 35+ minutes constantly. The coaching staff favor the incompetent.

    I expect them to trade Sengun for Wembanyama this season. Houston fans are great but Alpie deserves a better team.

  6. Excellent analysis. Sengun is the best candidate to build around. He has the talent and confidence to be a star in the NBA. Since the rockets are not a potential playoff team, why not give the talented youngster more playing time and put him on a fast track to reach his potential.

  7. There are 2 routes for the Rockets' future: GAS(Jalen, Alpi, Jabari) trio + lottery this year(hopefully Scoot), or KPJ becomes Harden 2.0. I prefer the first one.

    Jalen and Jabari are still too raw to be judged, but with Alpi stay on court longer, they can develope into great players.

    Also, the reason why Jalen be so inefficient is that Silas, or maybe the whole staff of the Rockets, ask him to play as an on ball scorer.
    But the stats says that Jalen play better as an off ball scorer, especially when Alpi set off ball screen or doing hand-off for him.
    Maybe the coaching staff, or someone at the higher position, want to develope he's on ball skill, just like KPJ.

    I do agree that Alpi should get more minutes, and the future lies in his hands, but not totally in his, but also partially in Jalen's. When Jalen fully developed, he'll be the one send the Rockets from the Western Champion to the World Champion.

  8. Let me remind u that Turkish basketball league is the second best domestic league in Europe (if u don't count euroleague) he is the youngest MVP in Turkey which he recieved at the age of 18.

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