@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic talks Dallas Mavs Frustrations, Mavs Loss vs. Wizards & Getting Another Technical Foul

Watch as Luka Doncic talks Dallas Mavs Frustrations, Mavs Loss vs. Wizards & Getting Another Technical Foul (Post-Game, Dallas Mavs vs. Washington Wizards)

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  1. Care vedno enostavno ne gre in treba dobit vsaj 2 dobra igralca kostantna z 2 mestnim številom točk na tekmo.

  2. Poor Luka. He seems really frustrated. He said the last play was his fault, but I thought that it was so predictable what the mavs wanted to do.
    I thought the scoring was fine today. Luka scored > 40, Spence 20 and Dwight 22. But the defence was again a big problem. I know that we are still missing Maxi, but I doubt that he alone can fix our problems. 😕

  3. maybe you should stfu and just keep playing then,, no amount of bitching and crying and pleading and complaining will get the refs to change their minds. focus on the things you can control.

  4. Can someone tell me what the question was at 1:20? I don´t really understand it. Luka didn´t seem to like that question

  5. Like he said basketball is team play, so Luka, pls stop allways put the blame on yourself!! I am not sure u just stay in Dallas..

  6. This loss sucks so much. They are about to go on the road & haven’t done well away this season, so they needed this win & should’ve been able to get it. Luka ain’t perfect, but no one else in the league has to carry as heavy a load as he does, & it’s clearly wearing on him. You can tell he’s exhausted & frustrated & I don’t blame him man, this stinks

  7. Yes everything needs to change defensively. He's not lying about that, Mavs offense is actually pretty good with Luka, Tim Hardaway and Spencer as the core. It's been their defense that's making them lose the past few games. Missing Wood and Kleber is hurting the defense bad.

  8. I like Luka but this is on him.
    He did not shot the free throw
    He foukd Kuzma
    He made a mistake in just few seconds

  9. Nalašč bom napisal v Slovenščini. Nivo igre v NBA je res visok. Luka je rojen za NBA in moje mnenje je, da je celo boljši kot Jokić. Menim pa da ima Jokić več potrpežljivosti v vsaki akcii se igra in išče najboljšo rešitev. Ni obremenjen s statistiko saj pride z igro sama po sebi. Ker se ne obremenjuje je bolj igriv in spontan. Ko Luka igra tako mu ni para…Brez zamere….:)

  10. The problem is coaching. Everything revolves around Luka. When opponents double him… the team is lost. Just like the last possession of this game. Kidd don't have an inbound play that does't involve Luka. Without Luka, the MAVS is lottery and Kidd is the worst coach in the NBA.

  11. Luka need some really good xpert to teach him how to hendle with his nerves. That kind of attitude didn't help him so far and will not help him in the future. Luka will not change any od refs strange decisions so he has stop to complain all the time. More and more refs will hate him and nothing more. If Luka had not received a technical foul today, Dallas would have won.

  12. It's this franchise, the shoe guy is no improvement at all … Cuban still interferes too much and talks bullshit;
    In Spencer, Luka, Woods they have a good core, the rest is rubbish.

  13. Dallas needs to trade THJ, Javale, Reggie, and maybe even Powell if we get another solid center in return.

  14. Idk how we almost lost to this team Luka gets his but we almost lost to bum dinwiddie finney and Powell wtf but we did well without KP

  15. Lukas frustration with the refs is about to explode and it is totally reasonable. In 25+ years of watching Basketball i have never seen a player be treated by the refs like Doncic is. The refs allow insane amounts of contact with him and there is simply almost never any calls. The other team knows that very well and simply fouls Doncic 2-3 times every single drive and gets away with it. On top of that the media narrative is not about how to protect Doncic but rather about the fact that he complains a lot, it is ridiculous. If the same would happen to LBJ or Giannis, they would not only complain more on the court but also publicly, the PA would get involved and the media would bash the officials. This cost the Mavs around 8-10 wins already this season and it is just totally unfair and makes the nba worse. I think Luka will have to get seriously injured before the league does something, it was like that for Messi in soccer too and i hope the nba has a harsh word with the officials before that happens, the tape is out there and you just have to watch the replays it is so obvious.

  16. The Mavericks ruined Luka’s MVP season. Luka started off the favorite to win MVP. His teammates played worse than they’ve played in years. His coaches did nothing to win any games. His front office did nothing to improve the team. This is the best example of an entire sports franchise sabotaging its super star in sports history.

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