@New Orleans Pelicans

[PGT] Pelicans Lose to T’Wolves. 111-102.


by SLS-NolaDom


  1. butter_nut_taint

    As much as I’d love to blame the refs for losing it for us in the 4th, we lost it for ourselves in the 3rd.

  2. Sslagathor

    Keep leaving this shit too late. The start of the 3rd quarter was the most frustrating thing i’ve watched from the pels this season. Shooting brick after brick and never attacking the basket, and then Willie calls a timeout and leaves the same 5 out there that shit the bed to start the 2nd half. Dont mind Ingram missing so much if he wasn’t forcing it but we can look past that its his first game back in months.

  3. Styfios

    it’s fine guys, this clearly exhausted team has *two* full days off before our next b2b

  4. Briguy_fieri

    We’ve officially reached the 2nd hand losses in a row

  5. legend023

    Me on December 25: this can be the best team in pelicans history if we win 30 home games and half of our road games

    Me on January 25: 😔

  6. SpecialTemporary5996

    I’ll never understand these anti-spacing units. This was a carbon copy of the game in Orlando, except the breakdown happened in the third quarter and not the fourth. They are basically daring Herb to shoot and Willie keeps taking the bait.

  7. _Wado3000

    Not looking at the 11th seed just yet like some of y’all. The 3rd Q collapse was preventable with a good timeout or two, I look at the coaching staff there honestly

    Would still invite a trade because the team can still be improved. BI will be better going forward just needs to stay healthy. Give 100% towards a win on Saturday.

  8. mixed_matches

    Moral victorying our way to 11th place

    This team needs a shakeup

  9. Substantial-Wall3654

    Shoutouts to whoever posted “We’re gonna fake comeback and lose by single digits aren’t we” way early in the game thread lmao. A tale as old as time..

  10. Vince3737

    We are falling fast. We badly need Zion back

  11. SpaceAfricanJesus

    I really hate that the refs were on some bullshit in the 4th, but not really because they were bad, because people now have an excuse as to why we lost. That 3rd quarter was some of the worst play I’ve seen all season. I get that Willie got thrown out so he’s now a hero but his coaching has been suspect at best lately.

    But, Who am I kidding definitely not time to worry a bit.

  12. Get a 3PT shooter via trade,
    Get BI back in rhytmn,
    Bench Herb,
    Trade DG,
    Trade Hayes,
    Get Zion back, and we will be fine

  13. AnotherStatsGuy

    Stop jacking up 3s!

    They need to figure out how to win a single game at this point. I am so ready for January to be over when it comes to the Pelicans.

  14. Razor-Ramon-Sessions


    We are in a bad slump. We were down our 2 stars plus other role players were in and out of the lineup and we played a pretty brutal stretch.

    It was likely that BI was/is going to be rusty not playing basketball in 2 months.

    Not really surprised with the loss if I’m honest.

  15. Funkywormm

    Even aside from some bad calls pels didn’t deserve this game. Consistently coming out like complete dogshit in 3rd quarters. Something has to change besides getting our stars back

  16. treybra3

    Painful as fuck. But I still have faith in this team. Everyone needs to relax.

  17. qwerty170

    Ngl Minnesota is really really good when they don’t play dumb man

  18. BasketballLiker

    This was a rough herb game. Aside from the clanked jumpers and missed inbounds passes, he also let Ant eat him up most of the game. Also it’s weird how he doesn’t get punished for bad play the way trey does

  19. Mesame121489

    Hey Willie put Trey on the side of the offense that you are running the action to, that way teams aren’t able to leave him open without getting burned like they have been doing to Herb, Jax and Larry. Also fuck these refs. Bro the team was already playing like dogshit no need to put your stamp on the game. They were ok for 3 quarters and decide “fuck it it’s our time”

  20. GentlestCrib15

    I have a problem with:

    • Terrible 3rd quarter

    • Did Trey get any run at all in the 4th?

    • Settling for threes, drive toward the basket

  21. ChickenWarm

    What’s up with trey this year? It feels like if he’s not getting generated looks, he’s just standing around. We desperately need shooting rn

  22. BatmanHive

    Good effort once again, just gotta show the same effort 1st half. This has been a rough stretch but from Feb, the schedule will be much easier.

  23. mixed_matches

    Willie didn’t lose his cool cause of the refs

    He lost it mostly because we have lost 12 of our last 14 and he doesn’t know how to handle it

  24. BaronsDad

    * The Pelicans were 23-36 at the All-Star break last year and took the Suns to 6
    * The Celtics were 34-26 at the All-Star break last year and took the Warriors to 6 in the Finals
    * The Pelicans are 26-23 right now, with 10 more games until the All-Star break. There is time to build momentum for the rest of the season

    With how many injuries the team has had, there is no reason to overreact right now. This was the first Ingram game back, with plenty of games left to go. The Pelicans also have one of the easiest back-half schedules in the league. I think KOC said it was 4th easiest on a pod recently

  25. BubbleGumGuy94

    I swear if I read a tweet or post from shams after the trade deadline saying David griffin didn’t want to make trades because he wanted to see what we looked like healthy I’m gonna freak!

    It’s sooooo obvious we need shooting! Devontae will not look like this again until the next solar eclipse, and now jax is unplayable again, oh and to top it off herb is becoming thybulle 2.0.

    We need a long guard to pair with dyson, because unless they’re small, Jose struggles, someone oh I don’t know, who’s on a rebuilding team like the jazz or one in turmoil like the raptors.

    The 4 needs to be addressed too, because at the moment larry at the 4 whilst defensively is decent, it’s not it on offence, next year we get EJ back and so he can run the four and shoot well, but until then..

  26. Ureallyworemasks

    Every coach on the bench can afford a technical foul to tell these mf refs they stink n they are sell outs, one coach being thrown out the game isn’t good enough we need to get those numbers up, a statement needs to be shown not said.

  27. LennonWaK

    We lost that’s whatever. Thank all the gods that BI is back! Omfg Willie goshdarnit Green got ejected from a game!?!?!? This might be a fucking game changer.

  28. Jdubksnf

    Shout out to those meaningless games everyone was talking about.

    This sub is 60% people who don’t watch the nba, just like the pelicans.

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