@Golden State Warriors

how donte takes an elbow to the face vs aldama

how donte takes an elbow to the face vs aldama

by violetpiano


  1. ikatatlo

    I still dont think JK hit him above the neck. It was a flop

  2. LasteroideB612

    It still blows my absolute mind that this was a flagrant like how? Where?

  3. mikeisaphreek

    i was gonna say i saw better acting in space jam 2, but i never and will never watch that piece of crap movie

  4. zacman713

    If this was a court of law this case would be immediately settled outside to save aldamas face

  5. Marmoticon

    How they could watch the Aldama play and not walk away “There’s no foul on the play and Aldama’s entire family and all his ancestors are fuckin ashamed of that bullshit, warriors shoot… I dunno 3 and will inbound the ball”

  6. Bookofdrewsus

    Boy I’ll tell ya tho, Aldama fits with this Grizz team

  7. ButGodOwnTheBuilding

    Donte got heart while Aldama is 7 whole feet of bitch. It’s that simple.

  8. ChrisPowell_91

    Foreign players grow up watching fútbol, it’s no surprise they are adept at flopping.

    To be fair here, Donte was grazed, took it like a man. Aldama was bowed but he acted.

  9. neo9027581673

    BREAKING: New video footage of the brutal Aldama injury.


  10. Therealomerali

    The NBA for some reason really wants to reward flopping.

  11. Oo__II__oO

    “Your face can take a lot of punishment. That’s good to know.”

    *- Rest of the league and refs looking at DDV*

  12. Confident_Builder101

    GPII was my favorite role player last year by far, and DDV is quickly earning that spot. Stuff like this gets me fired up. We need more of this grit and fight on the defensive end.

  13. schrodingersays

    He was holding a towel to his throat after this. No ice, just a towel.

  14. LeMans1217

    Great supercut. Should be posted on Grizzlies Twitter.

  15. menusettingsgeneral

    What else do you expect from a Grizzlies player?

  16. GenghisConn44

    I firmly believe the basketball karma gods have a way of making things right when a team commits to egregious flopping.

  17. Elegant_Finance_7900

    They need to fine him, the NBA is already has too much flopping and this makes soccer players look tough. If they don’t fine him it’s just going to get worse and worse

  18. Dokterrock

    I hate the Grizzlies so much. Sometimes I wonder if I hate the Grizzlies more than I love the Warriors.

  19. MonsterOctopus8

    To his credit Bane took a pretty good one from Dray and barely flonched.

  20. Motor_Toe_9303

    According to a random fact I just made up, Aldama means bitch in like 8 different languages.

  21. why be wrong once when you can be wrong twice! smh … these refs are on something

  22. odd-meter

    Yeah but only one of these guys is wearing a warriors uniform.

  23. orangeman10987

    I’m honestly not even mad at dudes for flopping. They’re pros playing a game at the highest level, gotta take every advantage you can. If flopping didn’t work, they wouldn’t do it.

    I would like to see less flopping, but it’s a league issue, not a player issue.

  24. DatboiiGlizzy30

    Is it just me or does it seem like he didn’t even touch him

  25. MultiPass21

    That’s because DDV is a representation of how basketball should be played.

    Where many of you want to blame the officials, I point to years of foul-baiting and exaggerating contact where guys like LeBron, Harden, CP3 and Luka (more recently) have berated officials into blowing the whistle – which now rewards the theatrics.

    This is what the players wanted, and it’s what they got.

    And now the product is suffering because of it.

  26. It looks to me (and it did live too), like Aldama lifts JKs arm into his own face for the super euro flop.

  27. This is an absolute soccer flop.
    It has no place in soccer and should be fineeld and punished in basketball.

  28. you_dont_know_jack_

    And the refs reaction is exactly why players flop

  29. BerkelMarkus

    The best part of the Aldama “foul” was that he couldn’t even decide if it was his face, his neck, his chin, or his mouth. What a little bitch.

  30. Well, the Warriors take elbows and keep going.

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