@Oklahoma City Thunder

Most electric the stadium has been in a long time. Shai is a god. Jdub is a star. Mark is COTY.

Most electric the stadium has been in a long time. Shai is a god. Jdub is a star. Mark is COTY.

by H9m8urgalar


  1. First game I’ve been to this year. It was loud and awesome.

    edit: can someone please tell me why rumble was in a space suit in pregame??

  2. camiam85

    from the looks of it I was in the section just to the left of you tonight. It was a great game tonight! One of the few in recent years I stuck around til the end for sure.

  3. AVeryStinkyFish

    I was there and yelling. Got a couple dirty looks. Lot of Cavs fans there. They all heard it from me on the way back to the car. But also gave them love for whooping the 73 win warriors ass for us

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