@New York Knicks

Coach Tom Thibodeau | NY Knicks Post-Game Media Availability (January 28, 2023)

Coach Tom Thibodeau speaks to the media after the New York Knicks loss to the Brooklyn Nets.


  1. They simply came out flat,
    Low energy , over confident from the last 2 wins and thinking the nets would be an easy W without Durant and Simmons

    Also Randle refuses to play perimeter defense on Royce O’Neal leaving him open countless times for open 3s

  2. Time for Obi to get a conversation. He needs to show some aggression. He needs to be a little bit selfish when he gets the ball and attack the basket.

  3. Shameful giving up 22 3s and losing to a team without Durrant, giving up over 50% is where the game was lossed. Poor rotation to the open guy behind the arc. The Knicks have not solved that problem. The team is lacking a premier perimeter defender, Grimes, Barrett, Deuce, Quick ability goes so far.

  4. aka my team and I weren't prepared in any capacity to be competitive against a depleted team.. and we (Knicks) will be beat down by a second and third unit opposition..

  5. This is a circus league .. if you give them confidence. They’ll rain 3s on you. I don’t understand why our defense always collapse when these guys are raining 3s

  6. I'm SO sick and tired of the damn Nets always being better than the Knicks. The Knicks just keep getting shell-shocked by those 3s, and they gotta defend those better. 9 times already that the Knicks lost to the Nets. They gotta stop letting the Nets own them. Where was the revenge? Absolutely nowhere.

  7. Bad loss — no KD no TJ Warren we should beat the Nets who lost to the Pistons the other night — Leon Rose needs to go out a get a player who will improve this team — not someone who will ride the bench, not someone the HC does not want – a piece that will compliment and improve the roster — crazy how we have so many players on the roster who are bench warmers — nuts — there is a reason you have a 14 man roster — if i am Jim Dolan i would be pissed the the Knicks lost to the Nets and gave up 122 points — crummy defense

  8. to much ISO fuck like you see how Brooklyn moved the ball!!!! That’s how I want us to play!!!! But no Brunson ISO, even Julius and RJ when having the ball just no movement at all. Ridiculous to watch as a fan.

  9. Knicks will only be a around a 500 team with Thibs. As far as in game adjustments and player rotations. I can't see them ever winning a playoff serious. I mean you hear the announcers of Knicks games talking about adjustments that hard core fans like me have been talking about for some time but we will always get the same old stubborn Thibs. Little league coaching. This guy for that guy at this time etc

  10. One issue I see is we are not set on our defense just running aimlessly all over. Guys just swing the ball and we are not in the right place. I keep saying make teams shoot 2… If you give teams 3s then they feel comfortable…

  11. All the Thibs haters- question for you. Do you see any other coach taking THIS team past the first round? If the answer is no the Thibs isn’t the problem.
    Having said that I would’ve preferred if iQ covered Kyrie in the 4th Q and overall played more minutes. I wonder if he’s restricting him to keep him healthy seeing he had that knee soreness recently.


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