@Boston Celtics

JJ Redick On LeBron James And The Refs

In this clip, JJ Redick talks about The Los Angeles Lakers vs. The Boston Celtics game on Friday night and reacts to LeBron James’ emotions towards the referees and Patrick Beverley’s technical foul but those same refs.

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  1. I saw a video leading up to the foul and LeBron James clearly traveled by taking three steps before it happened.

  2. I'm a Lakers fan and LeBron fan but I have to be completely honest when I saw that play in slow-mo LeBron James traveled before he got fouled seriously if you look at it in slow-mo LeBron James took three steps without dribbling the ball that is a travel

  3. LeBron had 1millions of those non call in his favors for years, and now that he's on the receiving end he's melting.
    That was a ridiculously pathetic meltdown for a mid season OT game .

  4. Lebron welcome to the Steph curry experience

    Real talk tho he should use his influence to fix this issue. I guarantee you if refs got fined or suspended like in the Euro league this would happen way less

  5. Sorry jj but you're dead wrong. Games are going to be close. You can't just say, "They shouldn't be in that position in the first place." You CANNOT miss calls like that. At least review it. On top of that, nothing happens to the refs…

  6. European referees are an universe apart from NBA pokemons. JJ be trippin on microdosing.

  7. That was a missed call.

    The refs ALSO made a mistake every time LeBron James pretended like he was hit when he was not touched at all.

    "Let the players decide"
    Nonsense. Make the calls according to the rulebook.

  8. Could someone please reference RWā€™s shooting percentage for the gameā€¦

  9. Leben Jimmons has built a reputation for flopping…..these are the results its as simple as that lol

  10. Come on JJ , you should know best that the NBA is linked with Vegas and they purposely controlling numbers in ball games to cover spreads. Letā€™s not give a blind eye to the dark truth circling American sports.

  11. It is common knowledge that refs swallow their whistle in the last few seconds of a game. Especially with the likes of the Lakers and Celtics playing against each other – and on the Celtics home court.

    It is also common knowledge that the refs will let a foul go if they missed one on the other end to make it even.

  12. This is a disgraceful podcast this guy claiming the Sacramento Kings gave calls to LeBron while there is this guy name, Tim. JJ youā€™re terrible bro.

  13. nah nfl refs are the best in the world. I'm not american but I always get wow'd whenever I see an nfl game. The most close to the true fairness of any game IĀ“ve ever seen. the donĀ“t miss NOTHING

  14. JJ Redick has a lot of respect at Disney but zero respect at Syracuse school of journalism

  15. Been watching NBA ball for over 2 decades now and JJ saying nba refs are the best in the world is an insane take lmao

  16. The refs aren't missing calls. Stop with the BS. The refs control the game period. All sports with referees are RIGGED. It's entertainment.

  17. The thing with being an NBA player or analyst you get fined for speaking out on the officiating šŸ’©

  18. I think we as fans and players tend to focus on the end of the game and bad calls to much. Yes it was a missed call, but how many missed shots were in the game. If any two or three of those missed shots go in for either team the foul doesn't matter. In the end one call or play can never completely decide a whole game.

  19. It wasnā€™t even the last call for me. It was every call after they won the challenge was crazy calls against them

  20. Notice that JJ didnā€™t really answer why LeBron gets such a poor whistle. Iā€™ve wondered this for years. There are jump shooters that average more ftaā€¦

  21. The refs and the league have ruined the game. There are so many starts and stops in a game which cause me to loose attention. Too many fouls are being called and there are way too many timeouts.. Would love to see less stops in the games

  22. Oh well not the first or last player to lose a game with a no callā€¦.yā€™all will be Ight šŸ˜’

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