@Indiana Pacers

I love him, he can do no wrong. All of his faults are because he’s young and developing.

I love him, he can do no wrong. All of his faults are because he’s young and developing.

by Argenfarce


  1. Hendo8888

    Being stuck in a 4 man logjam at Center doesn’t help

  2. Really like how he has played the last few weeks. *We’ve also seen a little bit of attitude and intensity lately!*

    I know many people want him to develop a jumpshot, but I honestly feel that improving his hands & touch around the rim is 1) a much more attainable improvement as a big man and 2) would really help him in the role that we primarily use him for (rolling to and around the paint). Right now if it’s not a lob/dunk, he’s having a tough time in the paint. *(This is how Jalen Smith actually shoots a better percentage in the paint despite 1/3 of IJax’s attempts being dunks)*

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