@New Orleans Pelicans

[PGT] Pelicans Lose to Nuggets. 122-113.


by SLS-NolaDom


  1. Razor-Ramon-Sessions

    We need to trade Devontae Graham

  2. Pinky1337

    Kira Lewis played 0 minutes against this trash paint defense tonight

  3. LuthorNZ

    Ahhh .500 basketball, my toxic ex girlfriend.

  4. Leadingusalong

    Remember when BI said he has fresher legs than everyone else at this point in the season

  5. Murray looked like a bum to start the season after taking damn near 1.5 years off. Jokic even joked about him being ass for probably 20 games. He can’t miss tonight. We turn on our players after a couple of games back lol

    I get it everyone is frustrated. Lots of blame to go around. Great news earlier about Z. Prayers up he comes back asap after his re-evaluation in a week

  6. afriendlyspider

    Everything is fine pels in ~~5~~ 6 stacked fucked blah blah

  7. mixed_matches

    From 1st to 10th in a month

    We need A LOT of changes. It isn’t just health

    This is absolutely unacceptable

  8. Ciccone7

    Well I had an awful day being stranded at an airport because of weather so it was nice to be pissed at a different thing for a few hours. We gotta start winning again because this is getting real ugly. Back at it Thursday vs Luka.

  9. No_Key_7464

    Tough Loss, but an incredible game from Herb. He showed how impactful of a defender he is, and his offensive production was super efficient

  10. amadea_saoirse

    We need to wake the fuck up! 3-14 over the last 17 games yet there haven’t been rotational adjustments by Willie.

    EDIT: 3/17 not 2/17 (still atrocious!)

  11. LuthorNZ

    In lighter news I’m becoming desensitised to losing again, so numbness is a positive.

  12. treybra3

    Fucking miserable losing. But props to Herb tonight. Tried to carry this team when no one else would.

  13. Funkywormm

    Same old bullshit. Team is competitive in the first half and then gets waxed in the third quarter

  14. Sadguytennis

    Welp back to .500, it just makes me laugh when I mention the word “consistency” and everyone gets so upset! This team hasn’t had a season over .500 in a minute and it shows!

  15. _Wado3000

    National games pull out a lot of casual fans, and of course with this losing streak it’s all doom and gloom from people who barely watch the team

    Nuggets were a popular choice to make it out of the West before the season started. They increased their intensity defensively coming out the 2nd half, and we didn’t respond well enough. Losing to them isn’t the end of the world.

    With that said, Kira not getting time is really, really frustrating. Turnovers pissed me off a lot. BI’s playmaking was there but we flat out just need more scoring. Have been rooting for a trade for a couple weeks now.

  16. SpaceAfricanJesus

    Herb was by far the best player for the Pels tonight. Ingram ain’t looking like he’s him. Kira can’t get any minutes, but keep saying Willie knows what he’s doing. We’re now .500 and on a 9 game losing streak.

    But hey the vibes are good and we’re the deepest team in the league right?!

    Zion should unironically get mvp votes because the Pels look like the worst team in basketball without him rn.

  17. Ingram 5-17 with 4 TOV
    CJ 7-19 with 3 TOV

    Impossible to win with the best 2 players playing like that


    Murray 32 points on 10-21 (and 5 TOV to be honest)
    Joker 26 points on 10-14 and a triple double

    Considering this, amazing we were down 5 with 3 minutes left

  18. afriendlyspider

    Herb was awesome though, that was cool to see

  19. BurntHamSandwich

    Officiating was absolutely terrible tonight, the refs completely controlled the tempo of the third quarter and it conveniently went Denver’s way. Sloppy Joe caught a break tonight. Also Kira needs to play

  20. DaggersKnuckles

    How are we gonna get that kind of offensive production from Herb and fucking lose man. CJ and BI need to be better than that. JV is becoming borderline unplayable for us, it’s genuinely concerning. Devonte Graham needs to fucking go, our Garrett Temple of this year. Can’t wait for Zion to come back this is so fucking annoying

  21. amadea_saoirse

    Willie Green be like the definition of **insanity**: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!!We only won **3 games out of the last 17** yet we see the same rotations over and over again.

  22. PineappleHotSalsa

    Herb Jones and Trey Murphy had impactful games. If BI doesn’t go 5/17 and the defense clamped a bit tighter in the 4th I think they could’ve pulled it out. Hard fought.

  23. JakeGittes74

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change. The courage to change the things i can. And the wisdom to know the difference.

  24. Lyte_Work

    I got nothing to say, man. Dumbass turnovers killed any momentum. BI had 2 bad ones, Naji had a crucial one, CJ passing it right to Trey’s defender. Wake me up when Zion’s back bro.

  25. Vince3737

    I don’t know what it is going to take to get Kira minutes. And my god do we need Zion back badly. We have so many holes in the construction of the team, but he covered for them with how good he is

  26. smokinginthetub

    I’m still not trippin. But I’m also much more open to the idea of a trade than I was a month ago

  27. AnotherStatsGuy

    I’d like to say we played better. I’d like to say this team shows fight.

    But the truth of the matter is that this team is absolutely terrible at compounding mistakes. Once they give up 3, you can almost guarantee it will be followed by a bad shot and another 3 given up.

    When shots aren’t falling, you should be trying to slow it down and be patient, not speed it up. Griffin needs to trade Devonte in order to force Green to play Kira. I don’t know what else it’s going to take.

  28. Independent_Switch33

    I’m starting to hate the 3rd quarter

  29. GentlestCrib15

    Feels like Ingram had more turnovers than points

  30. causewaytoolong

    shit sucks

    liked what I saw from Herb tho

    Can’t wait for BI to get all the rust off and/or for Zion to come back

  31. All those “regular season doesn’t matter” and “don’t care we’re still the 3rd seed” comments completely disappeared now…imagine that 🫠

  32. DankSinatraSr

    Look, let’s be real for a second.

    Willie Green is an amazing culture fit. CULTURE fit, but he’s still in his what, second year(?) as a head coach? Dude is newbie. He hasn’t had to worry about in-game adjustments and proper mid-game rotational changes until 120 games ago.

    We all know the issues. Rotations are ass, no rim protection, zero adjustments, CJ hero ball, Ingram’s rusty, Tae is streaky, Jaxson is ass, etc…It’s obvious our issues run a lot deeper than “pls Zion get healthy.” We have serious issues across the board that Zion does an insane job of masking with his presence and scoring ability.

    I love this team, but we’re in a serious rough patch. I said it before and I’ll say it again, strap in y’all. It’s not getting any better until after All-Star at least.

    Flock up!

  33. goku7144

    I was wrong this wasn’t the game we break the streak

  34. Doktor_Nic

    This Pelicans team is not good enough to beat a fully healthy Denver team unless a) they are themselves fully healthy or b) absolutely everything goes their way.

    The former isn’t true. The latter was mostly true last go round but nowhere near tonight.

    HAPPY that Herb seems to be rounding back into form, Trey is stabilizing.

    FRUSTRATED that Kira played zero goddamn minutes and our transition defense was the sloppiest garbage I’ve ever seen.

  35. Taker597

    Make the big trade

    OG Anunoby
    Gary Trent Jr
    Daniel Gafford

    Bring them down to play in a offense that doesn’t have any discipline or principles on smart offense like feeding bigs or creating any plays to set up 3 pt shooters.

  36. jjazznola

    Total freefall. Another “Zion come save us” scenario.

  37. The_Shade94

    After reading all these comments it sound exactly 100% like the suns sub. It’s injuries clearly suns went thru this same stretch and now seem to be climbing out of it. y’all just gonna have to be patient for the trade deadline, make some tweaks, hope to be healthy and make a 2nd half run.

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