@Cleveland Cavaliers

This sub right now

No middle ground right now it seems!

by 7222_salty


  1. JustAKidFromAkron

    Welcome back to being a contending team, the days of level headed conversations are over.

  2. professor_tappensac

    Toxic optimism? That’s a new one.

  3. ZodiacKiller1968

    I am going to sit back and enjoy seeing people in this Cavs subreddit who will act like the world is ending just because the Cavs are in a slump. Even after they lost to a good Heat team. This is so like those times where the Lakers were like 46-16 during the Kobe and Gasol era and they would lose two straight games…and Laker fans would be acting like the world is going to end. Haha…yeah…it happened. RELAX AND CHILL. All good teams of the past have had their slumps. Even great players like Mike Trout had slumps, too. They all do. But you know what? They found their greatness. Cavs are 31-22 this season. Could be better. Could be worse. You can be critical of the Cavs. Don’t take it too far, though. Go get some cherry ice cream or hang out with your Latina friends if you are mad about the Cavs right now. 😁😁😁😁😁😂😂😂😎😎😎🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄✍️✍️📖📖📖📖

  4. JohnnyFire

    Ultimately, I think this team badly needs to hit the All-Star break.

    There’s a lot of good, there’s a lot of bad, but mostly this team feels like they are just tired. Mitchell has been gassed since the historic game, which in turn puts more on the shoulders of Garland, both Allen and Mobley have to put in a lot of minutes with the lack of bigs that can fill in, Love is hurt, Rubio is still getting his groove back, Wade is fun but they’re letting him ease back into the rotation, and you’re doing all of this without a true starting SF/3 – Okoro playing more like a bench-fire, Iguodala-style 2/3, but a very heavily improved one at that.

    Get to the break, rack up a few meaningful wins on the way, and let’s pick it up in the final stretch.

  5. weekoldgogurt

    I definitely lean more toward optimism. But at the end of the day we’re slightly more on track to be a bit bette then we were last year. There is a lot of attributing factors to this and they are beaten to death on the sub. We are in a constant state of adjusting to new people injuries and what not. Before the season everyone said we should be looking to be serious contenders in the 2-3 year mark. That’s still completely on the table and fine the way I’m seeing it. We’re performing as well as we are largely off skill alone without the cohesion built yet that comes from reps over time. With just small tweaks to the roster, (I want it to be clear I think some adjustments in roster and side grades could be made.) and more reps put in (hopefully some decent playoff experience.) I look toward the next season as a little better then this one. If you just do that the next two seasons you should be close to that contender mark.

    Man I’m just enjoying watching 4th qt mobley become a thing and okoro hitting open 3s with more success.

  6. alcal123

    What the hell is toxic optimism in terms of being a fan? Not being furious after every loss?

  7. Top_Buy2467

    Blow it all up, trade away everyone, get 400 first round picks in return, this team sucks

  8. cleveland_14

    The side effects of expectations, unfortunately. Compared to the usual mood on the Browns sub (drunk existential screaming) I’ll take the change of pace lol

  9. Ensiferum

    Development is not a linear process and most sports fans have zero perspective.

  10. Chickenmangoboom

    The Cavs are going to sweep the playoffs. The finals MVP award will be replaced with a junk yard dog chain with Jarrett Allen as the first winner. Donovan Mitchell will replace Jerry West as the logo. Fight me.

  11. weekendpancakes19

    How on earth can a fan have toxic optimism? You have no bearing on the team or their decisions. Your only job is to watch, cheer, and have fun. I don’t understand how having a positive mindset about that can be anything but good.

  12. tip_top_scoot

    I think what’s kind of crazy is, there are what… 30 games left in the season? If we can do the same or better than 18-12 in those remaining games, we’ll be well-positioned going into the playoffs.. Still have a lot of time to improve our record and play better as a team. And at that point, will anyone even remember our loss to the Warriors 3rd stringers? Last night’s loss against the Heat? Those losses will be completely inconsequential at that point..

    Because of that, i just feel like it’s too early to really evaluate coaching, possible trades, etc., until we END the season. I mean especially now, with time to improve, it’s just all reactionary.

  13. prayers00

    I’m starting to watch less until the 4th quarter. That way if they lose in frustrating fashion, at least I didn’t sink 2 hours in the process.

  14. suphater

    Or you can be me, saying the same things consistently good or bad independent short term results.

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