@Minnesota Timberwolves

Look, Naz has been sick lately… but this is ridiculous, right?

Look, Naz has been sick lately… but this is ridiculous, right?

by rcade81


  1. Waveytony

    Yeah, unless we’re bringing back a legitimate All-Star PG or something this would be a very stupid move

  2. ChbbyKttns

    Naz is doing 75% of what KAT does at 10% of the price right now. Why spend a supermax on a one-way player when we have a much more cap-friendly option on the team right now? Yall overrate KAT too much

  3. AndyJay952

    Charchian’s basketball takes are not good

  4. conserveandcreate

    he should stick to fantasy football

  5. Prestigious-Ad-6808

    Bad take but trading KAT is something a lot of fans are going to have to get used to hearing. We have mortgaged our future for another C. Very good chance he is moved if he can’t find an on-court fit with Rudy.

  6. pollinium

    The poll could be “Do you:

    Trade KAT for a fax machine

    Keep KAT”

    and it’d have similar results because our fans are Basketball Dumb

  7. Deep_Market5748

    Yeah that’s just a crazy take, the poll is either swayed by meme based voting, doomers, or recency bias but the gap between KAT and Naz is giant

  8. Firesword52

    We are the most insanely reactionary fan base I know. Ignore the idiots

  9. ComfortableMaster625

    Not interested in any of Charch’s NBA opinions. Or anyone that would vote in any of his Twitter polls. But they need to keep Naz

  10. chezburgs

    I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt this way

  11. thiswasmy19thchoice

    it’s not just KAT vs Naz: who is better

    KAT is older, increasingly more injury-prone, making 36, 50, 54, then 58 million dollars over the next 4 years. Naz even with a big fat extension would be making a fraction of that. Then in trade return – you’d assume you’d get quite a bit better of a return for KAT. Naz would also be much easier to platoon with Gobert, opening up more minutes for SloMo (and at some point another player if you trade KAT) vs sticking with this KAT/Gobert frontcourt pipedream.

    downvoting lurkers: feel free to show what your rotation against the Warriors with a healthy KAT and Gobert would be. I would *love* to hear that. Also how you plan to stay under the luxury tax with Gobert and KAT making 100 million dollars.

  12. aSc4rYGh0sT

    I think how dumb this is depends entirely on the return for KAT. If we can trade him for a legit, young All-star talent at a position of need while also keeping Naz, then I think that’s probably the better choice.

    If it’s moving KAT for a bag of chips just to open up playing time and luxury tax space to keep Naz, then it’s definitely ridiculous.

  13. TinManSheetMetalC0ck

    Karl is great at thinking the world revolves around him. If that got us wins, sure.

    But Naz doesn’t bitch, he tries to win.

    Kat is first team All-Bitching

  14. Minute-Decent

    Yeah this is crazy 😂

    Do people forget how bad Naz was cooked in the playoffs and against starting centers? He is amazing against smallball and backup bigs though.

  15. tulaero23

    Eric goedon became 6th man and was killing it before but no one made a poll to trade harden back then lmao

  16. srry_didnt_hear_you

    Recency bias is a hell of a drug

  17. Birdhairs

    In all seriousness, even though he’s probably our most valuable trade piece from a talent perspective, I think we just extend him. Give him the bag his talent demands and then worst comes to worst we can trade him later and it’ll be easier to match salaries. His low salary is a sizeable obstacle when it comes to trading for a player of real value. He’d pretty much have to be included in a Dlo deal at this point to be traded this season.

  18. smisakso

    Assuming ANT and Big-Mac take the rookie extension I think they’ll have to be some kind of change because Rudy + KAT + Big-Mac and ANT is going to be a lot of money, you’d assume at some point one has to go. But these “trade KAT for a bag of chips” posts are so dumb.

  19. vovoizmo

    KAT is such a rare talent and I am sure if he leaves and goes somewhere else he’s gonna THRIVE.

    BUT! I kinda do like the idea of spending say 60mil per year on centers instead of 90mil. This is assuming we could sign Naz for something like 15-20mil a year.

  20. SadOutlandishness710

    I gotta wonder how much some of these people consume the NBA bc sorry All NBA players don’t just grow on trees. Especially not in Minnesota. Why do these dweebs wanna run great players outta town 😂

  21. Sam7sung

    Yeah this is why I try to avoid NBA fans now. Too much recency bias

  22. organized_meat

    I say this again and again with this argument. Despite the obvious comparisons like KAT’s superior fg efficiency and rebounding and size (Naz has better mobility, though.), we can’t pretend to be having this conversation until Naz consistently sees defensive schemes that target him the way they do KAT. Part of Naz’s success is that opposing defenses don’t make him a focus of their game plan.

  23. nrag726

    I wonder if it would be a good idea for KAT to come off the bench initially as he gets back up to game speed. Obviously he deserves to start long term, but his reintegration may be smoother coming off the bench at first, or at least getting run with the second unit.

  24. ZaMaestroMan5

    In this context its stupid. But if you can trade KAT and get a haul I would do it. KAT is soft as shit – he has a weak mentality. I don’t think hes ever winning a championship as the #1 guy.

  25. JimmyWasRight

    Well, it would totally depend on how KAT and Gobert look, and what packages would be available for KAT in a trade.

  26. Broseph_Bobby

    It’s an option.

    KAT is more interested in being a fashionable then playing basketball. Would be a good idea to move off him before he drops further in trade value.

  27. dkleckner88

    Remember, twitter isn’t real. Still love it fwiw

  28. Theonlyfudge

    Better roster and timeline fit and also Karl has proven time and time again he’s absolutely not a winning player

  29. Have you seen his box for that GSW game?

    24 pts, 13 rebounds, 4 assists, 1 steal, 1 block.

    He shot like shit overall missing a bunch of shots in 4th, maybe third as well. But boy did he come up big in the end to seal this game.

  30. need2peeat218am

    KAT is still our best player. Though ANT has really been stepping up to the plate. Do people really think KAT has a career high of 60 on accident?

    I still do think KAT is frustrating to watch because we KNOW he can do way more than he does. It’s like Wiggens, all the talent but no drive. But in KAT’s case it’s bball IQ.

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