@Chicago Bulls

Post Game Thread: The Chicago Bulls defeat The Charlotte Hornets 114-98

#Charlotte Hornets at Chicago Bulls

United Center- Chicago, IL




|Time Clock|

|CHA |29|20|21|28|98|
|CHI |31|22|32|29|114|

###Player Stats

**Charlotte Hornets**

|G. Hayward|25:20|9|2-9|1-5|4-4|1|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|-4
|P. Washington|38:44|6|3-16|0-9|0-0|0|4|4|2|0|0|1|1|-12
|M. Plumlee|31:06|16|7-7|0-0|2-2|4|7|11|5|1|0|2|3|-22
|T. Rozier|36:39|23|8-21|3-8|4-4|4|4|8|1|2|0|2|1|-25
|L. Ball|35:43|19|8-18|1-5|2-3|1|7|8|6|2|0|4|1|-1
|J. McDaniels|26:18|0|0-5|0-3|0-0|0|2|2|1|0|0|1|2|-15
|D. Smith Jr.|20:00|7|3-6|1-2|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|0|1|0|-3
|M. Williams|16:53|13|6-7|0-0|1-2|4|3|7|0|1|3|2|4|6
|J. Thor|9:16|5|2-4|1-3|0-0|2|1|3|2|0|1|1|2|-4

**Chicago Bulls**

|D. DeRozan|37:46|15|4-12|2-5|5-6|0|4|4|7|1|2|4|3|6
|P. Williams|27:09|6|2-8|2-4|0-0|0|3|3|1|1|0|2|2|12
|N. Vucevic|33:16|17|7-14|1-5|2-2|0|12|12|6|1|0|0|2|4
|Z. LaVine|36:07|10|3-8|1-4|3-4|0|1|1|4|3|1|3|3|21
|A. Dosunmu|35:21|22|9-10|1-2|3-3|0|0|0|0|1|0|1|3|5
|C. White|26:39|20|7-13|3-5|3-4|1|3|4|1|0|0|0|2|19
|A. Caruso|7:05|7|2-3|1-2|2-2|1|2|3|1|1|0|1|0|3
|A. Drummond|14:44|15|6-9|0-0|3-5|5|6|11|0|0|0|1|2|12
|G. Dragic|13:43|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|4|0|0|0|0|-2
|D. Jones Jr.|8:10|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|1|1|2|0|1|0|1|1|0
###Team Stats



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  1. Can we get this man Drummond some more minutes. Dude was HUGE tonight

  2. justincredible_1

    Can we please learn how to inbound the ball

  3. kyle_haus

    That was one of the most pleasurable games to watch the whole season

  4. Duplicity-

    got the W, some injuries tho

    Ayo and Coby fire

  5. allknowerofknowing

    Our big 3: Drummond, Coby, and Ayo killed it tonight

  6. I really REALLY hope Pat, AC & Vooch will be okay for next game. We DO NOT need more injuries right now.

  7. No_Neighborhood_2494

    I sprained my finger trying to click on the post game thread

  8. Good win. Shoutout to the bench!

    Glad Drummond got to see the floor today and not foul like crazy. Need to get healthy before the Portland game though.. hopefully PWill and Caruso are OK.

  9. Dre finally gets minutes and drops a double double 🙄 shout out Coby and Ayo

  10. edco0328

    Is it me or it felt like Bulls is Undefeated whenever Caruso left in the middle of the game? Godspeed on AC though!

  11. Puzzleheaded-Kale616

    Bro wtf is Plumlees problem with us. 15/15 for 37 points and 23 rebounds

  12. Aradune9

    I apologize Coby White. I wasn’t familiar with your game!

  13. Jammer521

    Wish Zach and Demar would play like this more often, Zach had 4 assists, 2 blocks, 3 steals, he and Demar let other players take shots and fed the hot hand instead of trying to get theirs

  14. yourgrundle

    Lmao Goff can’t stop laughing that Kendall Gill didn’t know it was Illini night

  15. Altruistic-Leader-81

    make every night illini night, shit

  16. Was Kendall not listening to any of the rest of the game? I assume they just watch the normal broadcast, they said it was Illini night so many times before the end.

  17. illyxpink

    Zach needs to wear tshirts more he seems to play better when he wears them I feel like

  18. LarrcasM

    Takeaways from tonight’s game:

    * Deebo had a pretty rough shooting night, but was battling on defense and altered a lot of shots in the second half. He did take an abnormally large number of 3’s with decent success. Not a good night, but not terrible either. Kinda just meh as a whole.
    * Zach didn’t put up a lot of shots. Didn’t shoot great and had some turnover issues (along with Demar), but played very good defense as a whole (outside of a few complete lapses). Nothing great, but nothing terrible for him either.
    * Vucevic had a good night as a whole, but struggled from range with a few wild misses. Not super present on defense, but that obviously isn’t his primary role. Good game as a whole with a double/double and a great passing night.
    * Pat honestly didn’t have a stellar offensive night, but he was very good on defense. He was putting a lot of pressure on guys and had his hands in 3 of the Charlotte TO’s not even counting the steal. Obviously not an incredible game, but I still didn’t think it was remotely terrible. Hopefully he didn’t tweak his ankle too badly since he’s been very good recently.
    * Ayo had a super solid offensive game. He got downhill and finished very well. He had streaks of very good defense interspaced with streaks of really poor defense on LaMelo. Still a great game as a whole with being 9/10 from the field.
    * Bench was really good tonight. Coby was awesome off the bench. AC was very good until he landed funny and sat the rest of the game. Drummond put up very good numbers in limited minutes. They let us down last game, but were absolutely the reason we took this one home.
    * Lot of injury worries tonight between AC, Pat, and Vucevic. Nothing seemed too bad, but hopefully guys aren’t missing games. If we’re going to make a run it needs to start yesterday.

    MVP’s for tonight: Coby White, Nikola Vucevic, and Ayo with an HM going to Andre Drummond.

  19. lyme6483

    Huge Ayo critic, but credit when credit is due. Kid played his ass off tonight and won the game for us with Demar completely forgetting how to play. Need to see it way more often.

    Also big game from Coby! Need his 3’s.

    Good to finally see a win!

  20. ChiraqJimbo187

    This game confirms we should focus on the young guys

  21. Treyred23

    Bulls are 1-0 when both Ayo and Coby score 20 or more.

  22. ChiReddit85

    Just left the game! Ayo was torching Melo. He’s so much faster looking in person. Demar and Zach looked rough the whole night. Drummond looked solid and should get more minutes in my opinion. Great game to be at. The was great and the Madhouse!

  23. Alive-Ad-4164

    Congratulations on demar making the all star team

  24. ertaiselfsteam

    Coby is definitely this team’s most improved player. His handles and defense have come a long way since last season… Another great game from him, unfortunately we have a log jam at the guard position and he doesn’t get enough minutes.

    Ayo had his best game this season, playing agressively and attacking the rim. Hopefully his confidence on his 3 ball continues to recover.

    Billy finally is playing Drummond again, dude was essential in stopping Charlotte’s tall lineup.

    The big 3 had a rough game shooting wise, but even then playing through Vucevic in the post saved our offense in the 4th when our shot wasn’t falling.

    All in all, the team walks away with a necessary win, thanks mostly to the bench.

  25. Bleachighost

    I can sleep tnite safely

    Beep beep

    Man, caruso out again for injury

    I was gonna lose my shit if pwills, demar and vooch were all gonna be out for injuries along with caruso

  26. Samsafar

    Should have thrown Malcolm Hill in there for the last minute. Go Illini!

  27. Additional-Factor994

    FGs in the 4th-Coby Ayo Vuc PWill Vuc Ayo Vuc Demar Zach Coby

    Now is that hard? Stop playing Iso ball in the 4th

  28. Bout to stop procrastinating and order my Ayo jersey right meow. Keep this kid around Bullies!

  29. garebeardrew

    This was a good win, but imma need to see consistency before I get optimistic again. I’ve seen plenty of good wins this season but never consistency

  30. mikes41720

    I love how Ayo and the bench mob stepped up today! Shoutout to Coby White for having a big night. Love to see Drummond having a great game too!

    I hope AC, Pat, and Vuc, are fine. It’s been a while since we had some injury scares on court.

  31. chicago_bunny

    I think I am coming around on Coby. Seems to be playing smarter, so his off shooting nights are no longer a net negative for the team.

  32. Nights like tonight are why the Bulls need to resign Ayo this offseason.

  33. RedmannBarry

    I swear this sub is the most reactionary sub. We lose and it’s the end of the world, we win and nothing can stop us.

  34. tallslim1960

    Glad they won, the last couple games have been hard to take.

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