@Dallas Mavericks

[Marc Stein] Brooklyn wants Spencer and Dorian

[Marc Stein] Brooklyn wants Spencer and Dorian



  1. SennKazuki

    Both are assets atm. Dinwiddie isn’t super great but he’s clutch af in 4th quarter and improving, while DFS is extremely valuable.

    Only way it’s worth imo is if we can get a bad contract off our hands as well.

  2. iwinagain

    Kick rocks, fuckers. Dodo is way too valuable to trade for a rental problem child.

  3. Seeker1115

    Would they maybe be interested in an only slightly run into the ground Reggie Bullock instead?

  4. JoshGreenTruther

    if you’re getting a guarantee that Kyrie signs long term this is a yes lol

    see if you can find a way to keep DFS but if that’s what it costs that what it costs

  5. blowhole105

    This sub: This roster outside of Luka is trash!


  6. Pizza64427

    Mavs fans are f in the head. They dont wanna give Widdie and DFS for Kyrie.

    And in 5 months u gonna see them crying on here that Luka needs help.

  7. randydp39

    Do it. See ya Spencer and Dorian. Good players but idc.

  8. Youngrepboi

    Lol we want to get off our bad contracts not off our good contracts. Why on earth we would do that

  9. rickfortyone

    I’ll drive both Spencer and DFS to the airport myself.

  10. chasinglightph

    It has to be either of spencer and dfs. Then either of THJ and bertans.

    DFS + THJ for Kyrie.

    DFS + THJ + Powell for Kyrie and Claxton

  11. mypersonalbrowsing

    I’d be more comfortable with a rental. Gives them a shot at a title with a motivated KI w/o the long term side effects. Do what it takes with the current roster but don’t compromise any picks for him.

  12. Seeker1115

    What if it was:

    Dallas: Kyrie Irving and Seth Curry

    Brooklyn: Spencer Dinwiddie, Dorian Finney-Smith, and Davis Bertans.

  13. RoyTarpleysGhost

    Well…Dallas did say it would only trade DFS for a star.

  14. If Irving sign with us then i would do this (mb give some bad contract or idk get one more player back etc.)

  15. Darkphobia_

    A Luka/Kyrie/Wood trio would be intriguing ngl. Kyrie is a knobhead but also undeniably a good player.

  16. fordangliacanfly

    Reading these comments is crazy.

    Kyrie is a poison. He’s quit on the Nets once a season (and Celts before that), divided the fan base with his hateful bullshit, sat out for a pretend protest…

    Whoever we trade for Kyrie, we might as well throw Luka in too. Because he’ll be gone after a year of Kyrie’s bullshit.

  17. echoshep

    The idea that Kidd, or anyone, can get through to Kyrie is delusional. From a talent perspective, you do this trade 12 out of 10 times. Even if it was just a rental, you still do it. But Kyrie is completely insane and toxic. He hasn’t won anything since he left LeBron. And he’s so toxic and awful, that its completely overshadowed the fact that he’s also injury prone.

  18. mllllllln

    If Kyrie were a normal human being, you’d do this immediately. But he’s a nutcase team cancer, so please no.

  19. legend_killer7

    Do this and turnaround and offer raptors all our picks for OG and GTJ if they are selling

  20. Useless_Citizen_Guy

    It’s Kyrie fucking Irving are some of y’all Fr.

  21. IF kyrie shuts his mouth and plays then its a good trade

  22. Even if Kyrie walks after one year at least we would finally have some cap space to sign another free agent

  23. artilector

    Can’t evaluate anything without the context of whether Kyrie would actually sign an extension with the Mavs..

  24. Tfoster100

    After last nites game I’m almost to the point of WTF we might as well try this. But we have to include THJ

  25. Julian_Caesar


    Every comment in this thread is either Mavs fans saying that four months renting Kyrie isn’t necessarily worth giving up our best defender and only other ballhandler…or it’s 10-15 “random” comments all saying *the exact same thing* about Mavs fans not wanting the trade *even before any Mavs fans made any comments about not wanting the trade*.

    Kyrie’s PR working overdrive on this one.

  26. Tokyogerman

    I might get downvoted for this but what the hell.

    -Constant diva, antisemite conspiracy theorist Kyrie Irving, who is creating problems and constant negative headlines everywhere he goes.

    -Mavs fans in this thread: Sounds good, let’s give him a long term deal.

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