@Denver Nuggets

Bones sister goes off at mal

Bones sister goes off at mal

by MapleCurryMurray


  1. RefuseAfraid1756

    Bones has one hell of a toxic circle around him, now those rumors about him wanting more playing time on another team make sense

  2. CharmingImpact

    Im glad Twitter isn’t mainstream in europe.

  3. upsups91

    I guess burning bridges is old fashioned , its the season of nuking em

  4. LonePeasant

    I hope Bones realizes, his friends aren’t helping him out

  5. Can’t wait for Bones to be shipped off already

  6. Big_Stay6072

    Damn. this is exactly why I would forbid kids getting drafted to the NBA. They get drafted real young. Mostly they are immature, egotistic and selfish… Jeeez!

  7. kiwisawa420

    So these are those “trenches” Bones is always talking about.

  8. sacredknight327

    Kinda sad when family/friends get involved and they sound like crude fools doing it. Especially dumbass family.

    And holy FUCK I hate that word being thrown around. It’s one thing if the black community chooses to use it in a positive way amongst each other. But when you’re going at another man and use it…watch your fucking mouths for god’s sake. Sorry, had to vent.

  9. OkBarber6

    Bones got some toxic friends this ain’t how you handle this

  10. thetwigman21

    Making it real tough to not want to trade him. A week ago I was adamant I wanted him to stay but god damn this has been so much drama for a bench player. Going after our second best player that is going to be integral in a deep playoff run is a real dumbass look.

  11. LACIRCA2044

    Felt weird about Bones ever since he tweeted(deleted it after like 3 min) “slavery was worse than The Holocaust” during the Kyrie debacle

  12. CursedAttempt

    Hyland sure has a bunch of bums around him, he may want to look in to that as he attempts to go further in his career.

  13. Natedogg213

    The fact that even Bones’ sister received the message tells me Mal was fucking clear enough.

    He’s a leader of this team. I would bet some of my meager salary that Jamal has had conversations with Bones in the locker room and other private settings already.

  14. payne51558

    Bones, seems like a good dude, but reminds me of Will Barton. He just hogs the ball and throws up 3’s regardless IF it’s a good shot or not.

    Hope he either realizes he shouldn’t be lazy and/or greedy. And be a good teammate. Or otherwise, get traded.

  15. Feeling_Proposal_350

    Adios Bones. Bummer. … … ok, I’m over it. Cool.

  16. PizzaRatBoy

    Can we please get Bones off this team? He’s the worst player in our rotation and his entitled bullshit attitude seems like it’s becoming a major distraction in the locker room.

    It sucks, I really liked the guy and was rooting for him so hard last year. As this years gone on though he’s rapidly become one of my least favorite Nuggets. The guy needs a change of scenery and a serious reality/attitude check and hopefully he can get his career back on track.

  17. Competitive_Alps5769

    Bitches need to stay in their lane

  18. Bro please make this stop, we’re a championship contender now. No time for this petty crap

  19. His circle is not just going off at Jamal for his twitter antics, and btw I don’t like Jamal doing this cryptic twitter shit, but his circle is taking shots at Jokic, saying Bones won the one warriors game and that Jok got busted in Philly and, even if those things were true, my guess is that even if people are chirping these narratives in your ear, you don’t let them chirp these things online and publicly.

    I fully support the AG type of integration – you’re traded for to be a role player and you buy in to play a role and win the championship and get paid in the process. And so far EVERYONE who played with Jok got paid the big bucks, from $90m Millsap to 135+ Mike. If you have delusions of grandeur and if your posse clowns the franchise player for having one bad game despite carrying the franchise for 3 years straight every single night, then I fully support trading his ass and I love the kid and his game.

  20. kdeselms

    I have a feeling Bones has surrounded himself with some pretty poor advice. His posse is toxic. Go get your playing time on another team while we go win a ring, knucklehead.

  21. sicholasLames

    Lol. This is hilarious to me. This is such a bad look for bones. If I was him I’d be so mad that everybody i know is acting up on the internet over this. Everything Murray said is right. The nuggets could really win it all this year. If you’re bones hyland and you make it clear that you value having another 10 mins of playing Time over a chance at a championship, you are really going to limit the number of teams that want you on the roster

  22. shadymac34

    Bro someone needs to sit Bones down and tell him how lucky of a situation he is in at 22 years old

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