@Brooklyn Nets



by ThePessimisticBella


  1. RicoLoco404

    I’m wondering what the market is really like for him.. He’s definitely not loyal to anyone but himself

  2. Ponpopia

    The first one was in 2013 and the last one, well, it sucks but I’d rather wait til the deadline because I feel like he could stay if he’s really annoyed just by the contract stipulations.

  3. DavidStyles23

    I don’t understand how people on this sub can continue to defend this clown.

  4. zackozzy

    if he’s not being offered a contract here then I don’t expect him to be here. None of us would stay at a job if we weren’t being paid what we felt we deserved, provided we have fuck you money. So not that weird. Stop being emotional guys, this one is business. Hopefully he sees the light and keeps his ass here.

  5. GerhardBURGER1

    He WANTED to be here, he still WANTS to be here. All he asked was a commitment by the organisation to extend him and give him what he deserves and instead of getting it, Marks has just sat on his hands the entire time.

    At the very least if Kyrie leaves now the team actually can get something for him. Better than then letting him walk away in FA for nothing.

  6. foreverballin

    I’m no cap expert but are any of the teams that he would play on have any cap space? I find it hard to believe that there are contending team or close to contending team that could pay him 4yrs/200mil and wouldn’t need a sign and trade to make it happen. The whole ‘trade him now or lose him in FA for nothing’ probably only applies if he loves San Antonio or OKC.

  7. GardenStateGuru

    If they really told him they will resign him if they win a championship then i don’t blame him for wanting to leave

  8. BKtoDuval

    When people show you who they are, believe them. He has a history of self-sabotage. Why do we expect any different?

  9. local_goon

    This dude needs Colonial Tom Parker, Britney Spears Dad and Cus D’Amato and **NOT** his step mom running the show

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