@Dallas Mavericks

From a Celtics fan. Good luck and Godspeed

From a Celtics fan. Good luck and Godspeed

by ReluctantlySocialGuy


  1. Active_Page_3886

    I would love a Mavs-Celtics finals 😏

  2. GearedCam

    LOL right? We’d be left w/ no DoeDoe or DW, down some future picks, with some very limited weapons on the floor. Defense will suffer for sure.

  3. GoatLuka

    He was a huge part of the Cavs winning their only championship so I don’t think they should be included in this graphic tbh

  4. nickthearchaeologist

    Maybe the West will change him…?

  5. CFreezzy

    Honestly I think he’ll be fine in Dallas as long as they pay him. He didn’t have a problem with the Nets until the contract negotiations. As long as he stays out of the media (I think he learned his lesson) I wouldn’t be worried.

  6. JayRod24_

    Don’t get why ppl keep making it seem like he ruined something in Clevland. He won a chip there and didn’t want to be under LeBron’s wings anymore and tried to become the man himself like many players have in history. The other two sure he for sure was a problem but never got the Cavs one.

  7. TelosKairos

    Yep. We’re gonna need it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

  8. Facial expression is perfect. That’s exactly how I would expect Kyrie to look while taking someones life – bored

  9. HookahDongcic

    Didn’t he leave the Celtics in free agency ?

  10. Visible-Top-4977

    I don’t understand how kyrie messed up Cleveland. Bron was leaving to la anyway and they tried to trade him for PG.

  11. TheBigIguana15

    People are aware he won a title and made other finals with Cleveland right? And that the ship was sinking at the end because of someone else?

    I’m making no excuses on anything since.

  12. okitsmelol123

    Cavs and Celtics look great right now. Remains to be seen with Brooklyn, but recovery is possible. He doesn’t kill franchises he’s moreso just a pain to deal with.

  13. GraniteStayte

    All his exes were crazy, and they didn’t treat him right.

    The Mavs will be different.

  14. jeffers0n_steelflex

    Lol Celtics are doing alright without him

  15. dark_agent22

    Yea all those dagger threes to win games

  16. anon641414

    Major “we can change him” vibes here right now. And we know how these scenarios play out 99% of the time.

  17. papadondon

    nets chose 2029 pick, they betting we implode & luka leaves by that time

  18. ginger_snap214

    if we win a ring like Cleveland then totally worth it

  19. He won a championship with Cleveland and helped them get to the finals the next year, if that’s a trail of blood sign me up.

  20. afterdarhk

    Irving helped us win a championship. Hopefully he will do the same in Dallas – unlikely, but who knows.

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