@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Dame defies all logic as he drills the standing three right past the halfcourt line

[Highlight] Dame defies all logic as he drills the standing three right past the halfcourt line

by Kazekid


  1. BigBoyFroggy

    this is one of the craziest i’ve seen him hit what the fuck

  2. That just ain’t normal human behavior, bro

  3. RefuseAfraid1756

    Bro what the fuck is dame on this season, Jesus Christ what a shot

  4. Skywalkerkid9

    Bro let his intrusive thoughts win and it worked

  5. NevermoreSEA

    He’s having a rough shooting night and then does this shit lmao.

  6. lazzysmalls

    Halfcourt set wasn’t going anywhere so he took things into his own hands. He would rather shoot that than pass to Eubanks.

  7. yaktoleft13

    That’s the deepest non-heave shot I’ve ever seen

  8. DumbLitAF

    Dame’s having trouble hitting much tonight and then he does this. No step in, no nothing. Holy shit.

  9. Adopted_Fellow

    It baffles me how easy they make it look to just shoot the ball that far like a Normal jump shot

  10. duhitsryan

    He shot it with 13 seconds on the shot clock

  11. TopOfTheMorning2Ya

    Missed all his regular 3s to that point and then hits this lol…

  12. hansenlxh

    Heat check! oh wait, he hasn’t hit a 3 yet today he’s just frustrated lmfao

  13. Bieberkinz

    I hope this was the revival shot after a cold start.

  14. LockShitDown

    I’m never leaving Portland.


  15. cole_steef

    I saw 42 feet on the play by play and had to find a video to confirm

  16. allhailbarea

    How do you leave him open from near the logo, crazy.

  17. EllisATC

    Lol look at Middletons reaction. He’s like that some bullshit.

  18. Love Dame, so underated. Puts in the hard work and is humble.

  19. rake2204

    So, this shot is insane even for 2023. But as an older guy, these shots always make me wonder how a broadcast would have responded if this had happened in, say, 1996. I’m pretty sure we all would have spontaneously combusted.

  20. canadianbroncos

    Bruh that’s the most ridiculous 3 I’ve ever seen lmao. He pulled that shit from a stationary position.


  21. PM-ME-UR-B00BYS

    Imagine showing this clip to the players from the 70s-80s

  22. Pinkpach

    How the fuck does he get enough power on that shot? His strength is insane!

  23. ankylosaurus_tail

    This is the basketball version of Indiana Jones shooting the guy with the sword.

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