@Houston Rockets



by octopussking


  1. I_Hate_Klutch_Sports

    is this guy reliable? from a celtics fan perspective, i’m not the biggest fan

  2. Jacek2002

    Has Grant got a deal coming up and and they can’t agree on a fee or something? Otherwise this makes no sense to me


    What league source does Roosh have?! 😭

    Not hating on the man, just don’t think of him as the news type

  4. sammymate999

    Roost has no sources mans just talking out of his ass

  5. _ProdiG_

    2 things:


    1-Roosh told me the Rockets got offered Grant + a First Round pick for Tate. I find that hard to believe, but if they did, thats terrible.


    2-If they got offered a straight swap, Grant is an impending FA, trading for him when you have cap space next season only gives you the advantage of him being restricted. Which is not much.

  6. younghplus

    I feel old cause I still remember when Roosh was a rapper

  7. CosmicRaccoonCometh

    Glad we didn’t do that. Really no advantage created for us at all to trade for Grant Will going into his restricted free agency, since you’d have to overpay him to keep him anyway, and we can still overpay him in the offseason if we really wanted him.

  8. StrictMango8441

    If a draft pick is included from their side, I don’t see why not. If no draft pick, I probably pass. He is reportedly wanting an $18M-$20M/yr contract this offseason.

  9. krbashrob

    YES. Throw EG and Nix in there for free I don’t care. We need a vet

  10. theAlphabetZebra

    I get why they want Tate. Why would we want Williams?

  11. LordTreat

    This guy is a clown, he has no sources. Don’t believe him.

  12. Few_Mulberry5372

    Tate is one of the few people on the team who’s interested in passing the ball and playing defense. Just keep him

  13. Wilcrest

    Still looking for proof Rafael Stone is actually alive.

  14. Nah EG to the 76ers for Furkan let’s do it

  15. Kimochi01

    Yeah Roosh and his sources LMAO. Just a dude that likes the status and attention of a fake insider

  16. TexasBrand

    Roosh is a clown dude just gets on socials as an insider to argue with anyone he doesn’t agree with, not to mention unprofessional as fuck with all of his content. Nobody wants to watch a rockets stream where we listen to you eat your dinner and bitch about how stupid the whole front office is.

  17. spacecitysneakers

    Roosh is sensitive little bitch. Blocked me on Twitter because I disagreed with him. 🤡

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