@New York Knicks

Just a picture of Lance Thomas

Just a picture of Lance Thomas

by mos_def_not


  1. blkhwk27

    i remember when he was coaching the defense on the sidelines. wasnt the greatest player but he was a guy you couldnt help but like

  2. Green__Bananas

    I ran into him in LES a year ago. I was late for a first date and was speed walking there when I saw Lance and a friend of his sitting outside having a meal at a different restaurant next door.

    I Decided to instead walk up to him and tell him how I appreciated him when he was on the team. When I pulled up to his table I realized I completely forgot his name, so I just blurted out “you played for the Knicks!”. Dude was clearly annoyed lmfao but after he confirmed yes I said “I always admired your hustle, we should’ve kept you. You’re a dope player.”

    He gives me a polite but curt “thank you”. I realized I was probably annoying him so I just wished them a nice dinner and kept it moving and had a horrendous first date.

    Will always appreciate having Lance on the team!

  3. porkchopsdapplesauce

    Unpopular opinion but Lance Thomas just reminds me of shitty Knick years and horrible teams. I don’t get why he gets love on here he never did anything of significance. He averaged 6 points in 20 mpg and only one 32 games with him in our best year with him on the squad

  4. yanks1580

    To the people that moan and whine about the leon rose era…..just look at the rosters we put out there during this mans time here.

  5. _blue_alien_

    Random, but I played against him in basketball in like 7th/8th grade. My team vs his, they also had Derek Caracter on the team who was the number 1 recruit in the country at one point. We a lot

  6. severinks

    That’s what I don’t like about the trade deadline. before I was scouring the internet and being plugged into everything like I am now there used to be trade deadline deals where I would think”’maybe this guy can actually help us’ ‘and then Lance Thomas would get on the court and crush my dreams..It works the other way too though, I still can’t understand why Phil Jackson gave up both Iman Shumpert and JR Smith at the deadline for 2 second round picks basically giving he Cavs the championship.

  7. Eddaughter

    The reason why I put my hands up on transition defense when I played 5’s 😂. Those were some dark times but I always respected Lance Thomas. Always hard working and putting in effort.

  8. JayD0za21

    I’ll never forget when Fat Joe basically said he wouldn’t be on any other NBA roster. Lol Lance was serviceable at least for us

  9. YourAsianBuddy

    One of the best bench guys out there. Dude was such a morale booster

  10. GruntPizzaParty

    Idk how to say this properly, but he had some of the most pronounced drives to the rim I ever seen, I’m talking big ass steps elbows flared

  11. Struggle2Real

    I remember the fo comparing him to someone crazy. Can’t place who it was and now am annoyed

    Up vote for anyone who remembers. Maybe odom?

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