@Utah Jazz

Westbrook has a 0% chance to play for the Jazz – Brian Windhorst | SC with SVP

Westbrook has a 0% chance to play for the Jazz – Brian Windhorst | SC with SVP

Brian Windhorst joins SportsCenter with Scott Van Pelt to react to the Los Angeles Lakers, Utah Jazz and Minnesota Timberwolves’ 3-team trade.

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  1. Watching this for me undermine Brian’s credibility. Russ embraced coming off the bench and is in the 6th man of the year convo. Showed up every game which we can’t get from AD, that’s the reason LA has underachieved, along with their O-lay defense.

  2. Honestly, picks are overrated. How many of them actually turn out to be anything? And if you lose them, you can get some players via cap space and then trade for more useless picks.

  3. jeanie bus needs to step down the son was better 😤 she traded our future for a bubble ring

  4. Heat should sign him, he can replace the role of declining oladipo.. Spo is a great coach he knows how to deal with Russ

  5. I hate this narrative that Westbrook was killing them I saw him getting everyone easy baskets and I know most nights Lebron has just as many turnovers. If I was a player I would hate the idea of playing with Lebron the media will blame you for everything and give him all the credit. The Lakers made some of there best runs with Lebron out because they weren't forcing him the ball, I totally understand why they forced him the ball but… Now it will be your turn to take all the blame AD….enjoy.

  6. talked about russ like a dog he gone go somewhere else and ball just like ingram, kuzma, clarkson ,dlo, randell, ball, zubac etc. 🤣 🤣

  7. so the guy saying Russ is useless which is averaging 17.4 ppg 6.9 rpg and 7.2 apg.. That's ridiculous

  8. The problem with the lakers was AD being ABSENT! The team did not get better with AD being completely useless…

  9. We not going to act like Russ is the MAIN reason the Lakers are trash. And this trade is going to prove that Russ is not the only problem. DLo and Beasley hasn’t proved anything and to think they’re just gonna fit in is crazy.

  10. If Russ can't play in league, there alot of guys that are stealing money from these teams then lol

  11. Utah is a racist state and Russell and others have said the same about there fan base.. I was just bout to say bet Russell demands trade before stepping foot in a Utah uniform..

  12. So now analysts can finally be honest about how bad Russ is instead of talking endlessly about how great he is off the bench?

  13. Plus it will be nice for the commentators to explain why Russell will not play in Utah.. This is why there will always be racism cause the ppl that share the same skin color as the racist if the not racist themselves are to scared or enjoy there white privilege far to much to ever mention or shame someone of the same skin tone cause they feel it to be to harsh and self shaming ones race of entitlement..

  14. is it just me that hates when brian speaks? I just hate when non athletes get to talk about sports

  15. Maybe the grizzlies could try him off the bench. Get some of that okc connection with Steve till the end of the season. They say they need another veteran on the team. Why not

  16. Actually amazing to me that an overweight guy who has probably never played sports, is telling an NBA player he is no longer an NBA player.🤣🤣

  17. they got more depth, which is what they needed. beasley and vanderbilt are gonna play good mins, just kinda reminds me of lebron's last year in cleveland

  18. Russ was killed my his own contract. He is contract is too expensive when merely putting up bench numbers.

  19. Good riddance ..Lakers 🤡 thinking westbrick was the missing piece..

    ✌🏼 westbrick, Godspeed

  20. They really are blaming the Westbrook for the lakers failures and then continue to drag his name thru the media is messed up. Ad has barely played the past two years and every time I look up Lebron is resting. Westbrook was the only one out of the three that actually showed up each and every night

  21. Westbrook & Ben Simmons super duo.

    Westbrook is the only person on earth who can teach Ben how to shoot when the pressure is on.

  22. 3:40 I've never heard of a more disrespectful way to evaluate players worth than this segment. He basically only talked about the weaknesses of Russ' game and nothing else. And now Windy wants Russ out of the league. "Filling holes in a roster" and "He'll have to take a roll where he's not comfortable", failing to realize that uncomfortable situations is what makes one stronger. The politics of sports is what makes it hard to watch, Rodman said it best, "We play the game for free, we get paid for all the B*** that comes with the game."

  23. He's only been traded this much because of his massive contract. Once he gets waived, he will sign the veteran minimum and come off the bench for a contender. People will like him again like Melo in Portland.

  24. Wesbrook has always been the same player the media really tarnished this man name because Lebron is not winning its the same Lebron story every season how many All Stars has he played with🤔 How many rosters have been flipped around mid season because of him🤔 how many coaches been fired🤔. Ive never saw this in NBA befor or sports period!!!!

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