@Orlando Magic

Obligatory Trade Deadline Meme

Obligatory Trade Deadline Meme

by ApatheticTrooper


  1. KSchmuckley

    If they stand Pat I think I’ll be pissed.

  2. I feel like we have to be shipping out terrence ross at the very least, expiring deal, he doesn’t play, and itd be doing right by him.

  3. Would love to get Bridges from Nets now. But don’t think we can cause it’ll take a lot probably

  4. The_Fiji_Water

    Do you want more 2nd round picks?

    … because this is how we end up with more 2nd round picks.

  5. GabesHarden

    Let’s steal Cam Thomas lol

    On a realistic note the nets or jazz might have something interesting

  6. Witch_ofthe_Wild

    The wrong move would be worse than no move.

  7. hanyou007

    Ummm… why should they have to do something? We are in literally the best position a rebuilding team could be in. We own all our own draft picks. We have 2 franchise cornerstones just beginning their careers. We have an obscene amount of cap space with no bad long term future contracts. We are within striking distance of the playoffs and could make it and get our young team some good experience. Conversely if we dont make it we re in line for good lottery picks in a loaded draft.

    All this with one of the youngest rosters in the league. Why should the team make a move? I mean if one shows up that is an absolutely clear win for the club? Sure. But I see so many fans acting like the FO needs to make a move just for the sake of making a move. Y’all remember Ibaka for Oladipo? Harris for Jennings? That’s what you get when you don’t let the stew just simmer for a bit.

  8. doc_birdman

    There’s zero reasons for the Magic to make any moves. But we have a couple of expiring contracts and some dudes not getting minutes.

    Packaging Ross and RJ will probably not get us much more than a couple 2nd round picks but throw in Bamba and maybe we can get a nice vet big man for the second rotation.

  9. This is the first year I can remember where I’m asking for the exact opposite. I don’t want them to do anything. We have 30 games to go where we can continue building chemistry with our current core, we have a ton of cap space going into next season, and we have more draft picks than room on the roster. Let’s just ride it out and tweak it in the offseason to gear up for deep playoff runs starting next season!

  10. icontech2000

    I don’t see us doing anything and I guess I am ok with that. Wouldn’t mind seeing Bamba and Suggs moved for a nice return but I don’t see it happening

  11. tacomaboy08

    I just want Tross trades to playoff team. He deserves it

  12. sjdjksisudbfbxnsjdu

    The suspense is killing me, is mo Bamba going to Lakers? Celtics? Portland? Come on magic, do something!

  13. Louiethesaint

    Besides maybe moving Bamba to bring in some more consistent shooting. I think getting this team to gel more is really the key, especially if we can ramp up Isaac.

  14. dexterrrr_

    I think we give away Ross for some fake second rounders and that’s probably it.

  15. _picture_me_rollin_

    We should go after Brooklyns picks! They can’t tank so they will try to move those for players.

  16. At BEST, all we’re doing is dumping Mo and RJ for 2nd rounders; opening roster spots for the 2 way guys. Our rotation this season is set, any move for role players would be a pointless, lateral move in a lost season.

  17. Rockledgeskater

    What about Ochai agbaji for either Ross or bamba straight up?

  18. mi_funke

    Do what? There’s no one currently on the market I’d trade one of our core guys for. Bamba, TRoss, and picks aren’t getting us anyone worth the money they’ll want down the road.

  19. Tross for Austin reeves? Honestly not sure because we still need some vets on this squad. Gary Harris is only 28.

  20. BigRed323

    A 3 and D guy would be great but there’s no need to overpay. I would like to make the play in game but we could be competing for the division next year if we keep our assets and make good off-season moves. Like I said I wouldn’t mind a shooter but I wouldn’t give up any of our top 6 assets (Paolo, Franz, Suggs, Fultz, JI, WCJ).

  21. Milla4Prez66

    I’ve been saying it, but moving guys like Bamba, Ross and RJ will be about opening up spots for Admiral and Kevon than getting value back for players that don’t have value.

  22. OrlCitySun12

    I came here for sanity after some dude on Twitter with 10 followers demanded we trade Fultz because he’s been in the league for 5 years and isn’t a top PG yet. Just want to say I am on the stand pat train, but mostly I needed a breath of fresh air.

  23. 300_yard_drives

    We don’t need to do anything. We don’t need anymore picks nor do we need young players who need developing. We need a young star sg (booker, Mitchell,SGA) but none are on the block.

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