@Indiana Pacers

“Indiana, I heard, offered three first round picks and the Rockets’ second round pick [for OG Anunoby], which I believe they own in this upcoming draft.” (via @ZachLowe_NBA)

“Indiana, I heard, offered three first round picks and the Rockets’ second round pick [for OG Anunoby], which I believe they own in this upcoming draft.” (via @ZachLowe_NBA)

by Oldabandoned


  1. HashbrownsWithEggs

    If they were this year’s picks then they included CLE and BOS which will be late 1st round, and our own pick may have been protected. Who knows. But an interesting what-if scenario anyways

  2. Comfortable-Junket97

    That’s just too much, id rather use those to move up or get a second lottery pick this year, draft is loaded

  3. ricky_suarez6

    Thank God it didn’t happen, as much as he fits that’s too big of an investment for a guy who’s close to his peak. I’m also pro-rebuild so trading draft capital is not the direction I hope for

  4. Hmm, I’d need more context behind which picks and how they’re protected or not, but I think that’s a little too rich for our blood as a rebuilding squad that could really use those picks. Whatever, would’ve been nice to get OG but I’m fine with just developing our young guys this year and making moves this off-season, and hopefully getting a nice pick in the draft.

  5. drewmoo2

    Would had been an overpay if we offered them that. If KD is 4 first rounders (with mikal and cam Johnson too), then no way OG is worth more than 2, especially bc it really wouldn’t make us a contender this year

  6. jablair51

    The Raptors were demanding too much so those guys are going to leave and they’ll get nothing. Not a smart way to run a franchise.

  7. I’m pleased, if true, that we were in the market for OG. It sort of confirms that the idea was to make a bigger splash but it didn’t happen.

    Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want a ‘big splash’ to get better now, I wanted a big splash to get ready for the next two years. OG would have fit that picture. We don’t need three new rookies next year, one more (our own pick) will be fine. I don’t think we’ll get a lot for the Bos/Cle picks in the summer… I hope I’m wrong, but that’s just how I see it play out.

  8. Joe_Betz_

    This trade would make IND too good rn. I’m glad it fell through. Get into the bottom 10 so our own pick has a chance at the top 4; try to find trades for the CLE, BOS, and HOU picks if possible for a solid player.

  9. Maximum-Class5465

    We gonna use a lotto pick on Trace Jackson Davis aren’t we?

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