@Philadelphia 76ers

Mat.T. signing off

Figured some of you would appreciate this photo. Matisse is a good dude. Wishing him the best in Portland.

by ActionShackamaxon


  1. Best Australian to touch Philly – gonna miss him 🙁

  2. ramster888

    This dude is a stud. Thanks for a great run dude

  3. jneeds23

    Bittersweet to see him go. Gonna miss him. Hope he can find more long term success with Portland

  4. st-christian

    His sweet smile is deeply embedded in my life and my memories. So long, Tisse.

  5. This is a sick goodbye. Tisse is a good dude, and I’ll continue to root for him.

  6. Calm_Explorer_7571

    Literally only there because philly is known for using the term bull. Bye bye

  7. his play was inconsistent and his antivax views are stupid, but still an overall likeable dude. cya tisse

  8. PuzzleheadedOne1428

    Shoulda booted PJ instead. Morey really fucked up on this one.

  9. BassGuru82

    Looking forward to watching him shoot over 40% from 3 in Portland for the next 5 years. C’mon, we all know it’s gonna happen.

  10. BabylonBrothers

    Whether it was on the court or in the hospital my dude refused to take the fucking shot.

  11. BrokenManOfSamarkand

    Never loved his offense, but can’t lie that in my mind, Tisse was a core Sixer as much as Franklin. Sad to see him go.

  12. Trafficsigntruther

    Def not his first time using spray paint.

  13. IOnlySeeDaylight

    I am embarrassingly heartbroken over this.

  14. twon_don

    As a Blazers fan who lives in Philly and has been closely following the Sixers, the Portland fanbase is going to *love* Tisse. Prepare to see many “Blazers legend Matisse Thybulle” tweets and Reddit posts if you go looking.

  15. AndreWaters20

    I’m gonna miss that guy. He was fun to watch and I think his offense was just coming around. He’s never going to be a great offensive player, but I think with playing time, he’ll be decent. That along with his defense, he’ll be an impactful player.

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