@Brooklyn Nets

[ Wojnarowski ] Kyrie would not agree to conditions

[ Wojnarowski ] Kyrie would not agree to conditions

by theRestisConfettii


  1. thefineart

    How dare you keep me accountable for my prior actions.

  2. pinchyfire

    So disrespectful of the Nets after Kyrie played hard and didn’t say anything antisemitic for a whole week!

  3. If this is true, then how idiotic from Kyrie to ask for both a longer extension and no conditions.

    Kyrie and his representation vastly, vastly overestimated his worth.

  4. Looks like he wanted the full 5-year max, all guaranteed, and he wouldn’t budge on it.

    I don’t know how anyone can blame Tsai and Marks for not wanting to give that to him.

    Obviously he’s a huge liability with his off court antics, but I think that also overshadows the additional issues, which are the facts that he turns 31 in a month and he’s had a very long injury history dating all the way back to his one-and-done season at Duke in 2010-2011.

    And remember that he’s a 10-year player now. He’s in the top max bracket, which he wasn’t when he signed in 2019 and was only an 8-year player. A max contract for him would be 5 years and $272.02M, starting with $46.90M in the first year and going up every year after that.

    If he keeps up his shtick and/or if he stays injury prone, that contract could turn into one of the worst in the league.

  5. NudeEnjoyer

    sources pretty credible. even more-so than that, it lines up with his history

    does he plan on missing lots of games in the next few years? Cuban you better wash that man’s shoes, car, and house if you wanna keep him on the floor. he’s impossible to convince

  6. A_Polite_Noise

    I’m not going to hold any grudges or get pissed, because I get it. Of course he wanted an extension with no conditions; wouldn’t you? It’s not fair, yeah, but he wants what he wants for his own life and income and felt he had the leverage to ask for it or get it elsewhere. And I think the front office was right to draw a line in the sand after these seasons and say “no”. Not that I’m judging any of you who are taking it personally because Kyrie has been *a fucking lot* lol, but I’m making my peace with it that both sides wanted what they felt was best for them, and those two things didn’t mesh, and so here we are with him and consequently KD gone.

    There are things I can easily get mad or sad or critical about re: Kyrie’s actions and words, but if I’m being honest, if I was negotiating some deal for my own income and I had leverage, I doubt I’d give a damn about what is fair or right either if I thought I could get what I want here or elsewhere by standing my ground. And I get the front office caving to both KD & Kyrie for multiple seasons to try to make it work – it was worth the try – but I’m glad they decided this was a bridge too far.

    Putting aside all the moral issues, etc., because I see comments past couple days about “Shoulda just signed him to win and not moralize!” so, I don’t wholly agree with that dismissal of moral issues as a factor worth considering, but even putting all that stuff aside, it just would be too much to have no conditions when he’s shown for various reasons that he can’t always stay on the court when needed. Not even being judgy about it or personal…he just can’t, for whatever assorted reasons valid or invalid, and so the team had to make a call at this point and I think it was a tough one but the right one.

  7. Padulsky21

    So we are finally learning more about the details of the contract extension offered. I’m curious, do you guys think the championship stipulation was real? Bc I’ve doubted the legitimacy of it since that article about it came out. Games played just makes sense…for obvious reasons.

  8. Kwilly462

    There’s a world where we would’ve given him what he wanted, and he would’ve given us an extra 4 years of drama filled basketball. I would’ve needed psychological help


    It’d be one thing if we still had Harden locked up but just him and KD wasn’t going to win us championships. They might have been able to stumble into 1 but still unlikely. With Ben Simmons weighing down the salary cap (thanks to Kyrie running Harden out of town) it just became an awful investment even if it meant KD stayed.

  10. johnjohnjohn93

    Kyrie demanding out and happy that KD got “out” is just more proof this guy was not worth a deal with no conditions. My guy you willingly sat out for half the year because of a shot and drove Harden out and then posted an anti-semetic film, gave a BS apology that you deleted and have missed a ton of games with injury.

    Hate that this guys from jersey and I’m just so happy we’re done with him and his Stans.

  11. Professor_McWeed

    fights for longer extension and then tells the media he wanted out after year 1 the second they kick him to the curb

  12. lear72988

    Kyrie played 143 games for the Nets. He was on the roster for 296 over three and a half seasons.

    Harden played 80 games for the Nets over little more than a season’s worth of games.

    KD played 129 games for the Nets over three and a half seasons, missing one entire season due to an Achilles injury.

    The reasons Kyrie has missed games has been injury, suspension, COVID protocol, team decision, and a few still undetermined reasons.

    After seeing that, if you still think it’s outrageous that the Nets were looking for some sort of games played clause, you just aren’t thinking clearly.

    PLEASE NOTE: I’m not great at math. The totals may be off by a couple.

  13. BigDannyBoy1

    Feel like both parties are right in this situation. Ofc kyrie doesn’t want a bunch of stipulations in his contract. 99.9% of athletes would ask for the same thing. He believes that with his talents, that’s the type of contract he should get, and in that respect he is correct. The Nets are also correct in going absolutely not. Kyrie has given the Nets zero reason to believe that a 3-5 year contract would ensure that he comes to work with zero drama and plays the best basketball he can. He thinks he can get the contract he wants and the Nets told him that they aren’t that team.

  14. MrRob_NJ

    Let him be some other teams problem to deal with. Fuck Kyrie.

  15. Not necessarily defending kyrie, but he’s got some great connections in Dallas with jason kidd and nico harrison. Wouldnt shock me at all to see him sign long term there

  16. FinalFrash

    Luka fan here. Kyrie is going to be the reason Luka is going to leave Dallas, isn’t he?

  17. pabstBOOTH

    So glad we are free of this CANCER, root and fucking stem!! And shame on KD for being attached at the ass. Our window will come again soon and it will be all the more sweeter

  18. 14thBrooklyn

    I almost wish all the Kyrie stans were still on this sub so I could hear their rants about how the FO fucked this up. Almost.

  19. Suspicious_County_24

    Why would they even offer him that contract? The moment they’d give him the contract he wanted, he’d request to leave or not play. The nets knew he was up to no good. Kudos to the Nets

  20. blabla006

    During my next performance review I plan on telling my boss that I want to be celebrated, not just tolerated.

  21. lazymanny

    Kyrie act like the Nets isn’t paying him to play basketballs. He talks about how he all about basketball but on plays half the games and miss the rest willingly. He’s like people on anti work subreddit except he gets paid millions to pretend like he the victim.

  22. evo_one252

    I fucking called this. Signing Kyrie would have been the worst thing this franchise could have done. Well done for Joe having the balls to tell Kyrie to go fuck himself

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