@Los Angeles Lakers

Game Thread: Los Angeles Lakers (25-31) at Golden State Warriors (28-27) Feb 11 2023 5:30 PM

#Los Angeles Lakers at Golden State Warriors

Chase Center- San Francisco, CA




|Time Clock|
|Q4 08:56|

|LAL * * * |21|30|34|4|89|
|GSW * * * |22|31|26|10|89|

###On the court

**Los Angeles Lakers**

|T. Brown Jr.|18:19|5|2-5|1-3|0-0|3|3|6|1|0|0|1|2|-5
|A. Davis|26:48|9|3-12|0-1|3-4|0|10|10|1|0|1|1|1|2
|D. Russell|26:16|10|4-10|1-3|1-2|0|3|3|5|0|0|3|1|6
|D. Schroder|21:07|20|5-8|3-3|7-7|0|3|3|2|0|0|1|0|1
|J. Vanderbilt|16:55|12|5-7|0-0|2-2|2|6|8|4|1|0|0|1|-6

**Golden State Warriors**

|A. Wiggins|25:31|12|5-13|2-6|0-0|0|2|2|1|0|0|1|1|4
|D. Green|27:44|12|5-8|1-3|1-1|0|6|6|9|1|1|5|4|14
|K. Looney|19:39|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|2|10|12|2|1|1|0|1|-4
|J. Poole|28:19|22|8-18|3-9|3-3|0|4|4|5|1|1|2|3|4
|D. DiVincenzo|21:22|0|0-3|0-3|0-0|0|0|0|3|1|0|3|1|-1
###Team Stats



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  1. Glinez09

    dray should have a tech..his been yelling at the ref

  2. kerr gonna waste a challenge on that!? lmao good for us

  3. ILackPatience

    AD’s shot’s been broken since that game winning shot from the bubble.

  4. Poole has gotten good at falling after every shot to draw the foul. Bro just attracted to the floor

  5. bowlcutsrbad101

    Imagine doing this without Bron and AD playing like cheeks

  6. LamboLloyd17

    Literally AD’s team right now. Let’s see if he can step up.

  7. snorkel_michael

    warriors are losing that challenge lmao

  8. kiwiwikikiwiwikikiwi

    “AD has done nothing for this franchise”

    How quickly they forget

  9. blacPanther55

    Ham just can’t get right rotation wise so far.


    And Vando better finish the majority of this game.

  10. why the fuck refs wait so long to inbound just enough time for everyone to see the replay on the jumbotron to challenge wtf

  11. Fancy-Cream-3972

    Vanderbilt is going to be the biggest game changer, hopefully the other three pieces bring in good shooting

  12. ILoveMasterYi

    r/Lakers sees 4 defenders in the key vs AD and really wonders why he can’t just simply dunk it in.

    lowest iq sub

  13. Intrepid-Customer359

    Play the rest of the 4th quarter, Lebron.

  14. darklord0530

    Why did they challenge that? Even if they win I feel like it’s better to save it for a bs foul

  15. Jessmayne

    Everytime AD comes back from injury he turns into playing like KD and just shoots jumpers

  16. chargerland

    Arguing with a ref who is going over to review the play, Draymond is too much

  17. corybekem

    Luka memes aside, ain’t no way she hasn’t had an NBA player

  18. Aristotle24

    19/20 AD and this game would be long over

  19. gotricesteven

    dumbass warriors always crying about everything

  20. TrashBagAbe

    AD they cannot guard you for fucks sake stop shooting

  21. Consistent_Owl4593

    Alright AD time to take this game over and close it. You’re supposed to be option 1 let’s do this

  22. ATLAS_Remolino

    AD’s got concrete in his shoes 👟👟

  23. GlassOnion25

    Why won’t AD just get down on the block man

  24. Physical_Ad_766

    AD the role players have stepped up. Now carry the squad to finish line big fella! No excuses tonight

  25. indreams159

    i sure wish AD would play with some fire man

  26. HighlyBaked0


  27. Glinez09

    won’t expect much for the ref if they gonna overturn this sht..

  28. IskaralPustFanClub

    Jarred Vanderbeast is the aggression we been missing on both ends of the court.

  29. SportsFan8288

    We gotta start winning some fuckin games tho man, no more of this lebron and AD taking turn sitting shit

  30. lakernation21

    Stop settling for jumpers AD take a hook shot

  31. winter-r0se

    bench ad honestly. why did ham sit ar & wenyen but keep beasley when he’s clearly off?

  32. sleepywan

    Davis gave us, what, 3 good weeks this whole season?

  33. gustavosgack

    ADs gonna get healthy this offseason, play 10-15 games next year and be back in same situation. Shits just gonna keep happening.

  34. izzyllamas

    Its a shame the league lets these dudes jaw at refs all the time, especially when they have more moving screens, disrespectful behavior towards refs than anyone. I know refs aren’t perfect but they get away with murder.

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