@Golden State Warriors

“I asked for these seats like 3 months ago 🤪🤪🤪”

“I asked for these seats like 3 months ago 🤪🤪🤪”

by basic_cinephile


  1. Noooooo, I’ve been told not to distract the players 🤪🤪🤪

  2. Hopeful-Ad-6835

    Asked for those seats? From who her millionaire dad??

  3. Overall-Surround-925

    That interview was way too long.

  4. Thank you. Wtf was that besides a cringeworthy ode to rich spoiled children. Cannot believe they spent time in that bullshit.

  5. vonkillbot

    I thought it was cute… and then it didn’t stop. Had to turn the volume down for a bit.

    *edit:* She met Bron after the game. Kazillionaire parents or not, that’s super cool for her. Good stuff, good league.

  6. Nessmuk58

    Cringe-worthy, but that’s on ESPN, not the kid.

  7. grangeranger

    They really had a split screen of the actual game and an interview w a fan girl lmao

  8. DrAgOn3035

    i agree. this is all espns fault though. no reason they should interview her. the girl doesn’t deserve to be flamed…

  9. Jean_Genetic

    Fuck defending this kid. She’s obnoxious and she should shut up and let us watch the game.

  10. Hotpwnsta

    Thought it was funny how Lebumster completely ignored them during the interview. 😂

  11. That was such an awkward interview with bron sitting there

  12. blakeley

    She wouldn’t last long at the Wonka factory.

  13. DryDrawing9116

    Meanwhile im over here looking for vids on yt for any mainstream media coverage of the gp2 situation

  14. severalgirlzgalore

    how are you not going to post the clip


    ESPN: Talks to some kid living their NBA Fan dream…

    r/warriors: **<Insert>** Salty middle aged men talking shit about a teenage girl because they can’t afford courtside seats and were not asked about their opinions by ESPN.

    Good look for the sub, classy fanbase.

  16. poweredbytofu713

    My mom mentioned her and I was like “she’s either 12 or 17 I can’t tell which” and she is 12 🤣

  17. RaynareAmano

    Idk. I thught the interview was cute. Didn’t see anything wrong with it. People here really got sand in their vaginas to be upset about this.

  18. joanne4912

    don’t hate the girl y’all. Espn is known for doing stupid stuff like this lol.

  19. Therealomerali

    It was a sweet moment but yeah why did they focus on it so much lol

  20. MagicPistol

    I don’t know about you guys, but I’m glad that interview happened because I was cracking up when the camera zoomed out to show Lebron right next to her without saying a word.

  21. SettingDizzy

    Shit, I’m fittin’ to ask for some court side seats for like three days now too, wish me luck!

  22. xanroeld

    im out of the loop. anyone have the link?

    edit: saw it. peak absurdity.

  23. disstroy223

    us still being a 4-6 game win streak away from top 6 seed is wild

  24. spasmystic

    This was just tremendously embarrassing, full stop

  25. TheBrownMambaRises

    This is just dumb generational hating. Just take the L and move on. Coming from a warriors fan

  26. IsThisMe8

    That whole segment was awkward and I wish it didn’t happen. That being said, for a 12 year old, she was really well spoken during her interview!

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