@Golden State Warriors

Daily Discussion Thread | February 12, 2023

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  1. FuckitGimmeSome

    Still don’t know what’s up with GP2, but Portland fans are acting all vindicated and like the dubs lied?? Doesn’t make any sense to me

  2. Necroassassin32

    I’m just happy Santa Cruz won with PBJ being the player of the game.

    My copium to Warriors’ loss lol.

  3. sh1r0_n3k0

    Without Steph and just riding with the current rosters, I think if we could finish as 6th it will be miraculous. Top 5 will be: Denver, Memphis, Clippers, Mavs, and Suns. We will compete against Kings, Wolves, and Pelicans for the 6th spot.


    Call me crazy and go ahead and downvote me but I’d call this season a lost cause.. if Warriors have more losses than wins by the time Steph comes back then fucking bench most of our starters and develop our younger players.. imo, our younger players IF developed would have a bigger impact than any veteran we sign in the off season.

  5. nghbrhd_slackr87

    The words of the day are “expectation management”

    As time goes on and we do this one step forward two step back thing to me it’s just obvious we’re a play-in team right now. My eyes are now off the 6th seed and on to the 7th seed. I want those two home games to win one and meet the Griz and the first round.

    I think there’s some slippage Potential from the Clippers they’re always is cuz they get hurt so often and they’re Supporting Cast is super mediocre this year. But I wouldn’t count on it all those top six teams look like they’re going to about stay where they’re at and the sun’s have a decent chance of climbing to the three seed.

    We need to avoid not slipping too far below 500 in the next stretch that’s kind of asking a lot of a team without Steph Curry and hope that the 16 games when he’s back that we get hot and carry momentum forward.

    All of these games we really should have won have really piled up heavy on us I think I count 13 this season.

  6. CreepyDepartment5509

    Good honest 0.500 basketball here we come!

    Doesn’t matter if we win one, we’ll lose the next one and the cycle repeats

  7. amarukhan

    If we don’t win this year, then I hope Mike Brown leads the Kings to their first ring.
    Better them than the Sun, Mavs or Celtics

  8. Boring_Scholar2531

    So i been thinking about Kerr and the coaching staff and i came to the conclusion that if you want to develop young players, kerr is not the coach for the team.

    Hes an all time coach and the dynasty doesnt exist without him but hes in love with veteran players and what a player is right now and looks like he doesnt care what they could become, feels just like Steven Clifford in Charlotte playing (of course Kerr is a hundred times a better coach in all the other aspects, im just talking about not playing young players) veterans over young players because they are better right now.

    So we get Ty Jerome, Jeremy Lamb and JMG minutes over Kuminga Moody, Wiseman because yes, they are probably better players right now or fit kerrs vision better (i think kuminga is already better than all of them but i guess kerr doesnt see it that way) but if the team is .500 at 56 games, how much worse would we be if the young guys played between 10 and 25 minutes every game depending on their effort and how well they are playing that day. But now we dont know what moody is, wiseman is off the team and Kuminga gets weird amounts of minutes any given day for whatever reason that i dont understand.

    So i think Kerr would be an amazing coach for a team like Philly, Phoenix, New Orleans or even Denver that need that jump from good team to a real contender like we did in 2014-15.

    Im not saying we need to fire him or anything but i think he need to change his approach to how he sees the team and the young guys because if we are not going anywhere anyway, just play them and let them showcase what they cant do, cant be worse than what we are right now.

  9. Dennis Schroder: 1.8m

    Jordan Poole: 3.9m

    Ty Jerome: 0.5m*

    Ryan Rollins: 1m

  10. hellmath

    Hit with the delay of the game, unserious behavior lol Poole needs to stop thinking this is his team. Did this shit against Steph last season as well to the point he had to say to reporters jokingly he’ll be the one to take T fts

    Even without the punch, i can see him and Dray butting heads too much. Winning fixes everything, unfortunately we lose too much that small things like this gets remembered

  11. Draymond_Purple

    The “win now” folks are delusional, and that includes Steph if he really went to the FO and asked them to trade Wiseman to “win now”.

    This team isn’t winning anything now, especially considering the Celtics, Bucks, 76’ers, Nuggets, Clippers, Suns, and Mav’s are all significantly better than the Warriors this season.

    Trading Wiseman for GPII doesn’t bridge that gap, it’s a waste of future potential for a delusional present.

  12. grapplebaby

    Our coaches have no fire. I miss mike brown actually showing emotion and hyping the players up.

  13. vulcans_pants

    It’s pretty obvious Draymond is a big reason for the fourth quarter scoring droughts, but I don’t think we can not play him.

    Maybe you have to start limiting his minutes till the very end, but it was essentially like watching Ben Simmons out there. Davis just absolutely did not care what Draymond was doing.

    A big reason we force so many threes is because that’s what Draymond is forcing us into with his DHOs, or rather, his “I picked up my dribble please let me hand off this ticking time bomb.”

    A big reason we needed a healthy Gary is because he could at least take a few points off the board.

    Maybe we need to unleash iso Wiggins more.

    ##Or here’s a thought, play Kuminga in crunch time. He single handedly won at least two games during Steph’s first absence.

  14. c0gvortex

    This season is cooked honestly, west is too stacked, Steph has missed too much time and we’re still small, on top of that we might not even have GP2 this season..

    I see a lot of people blaming Kerr but the problem is the same as all season, the roster isn’t just isn’t very good. We’re still relying on a two way as our back up PG, we now literally have no players over 6’9..

  15. herbtothelungz

    Draymond might be the first person in history.where he can have a great game and still be detrimental to the team lmao.

  16. carthaginian84

    Is it me or are we getting called for more moving screens this year? Needs to get cleaned up.

    I like what Van Gundy was saying about penalizing exaggeration of contact and having that supersede whether the screen was illegal. The flopping is bad for the game. I don’t want to watch soccer.

  17. Daconvix

    I see people in here blaming Draymond for the loss but where tf is the blame for Wiggins. He’s been absolute ass since returning. I’ve been trying to be patient assuming he could eventually get back into form, but he’s still just been mediocre.

    With Steph out he needs be a 20ppg scorer if the team wants a chance of staying afloat. And get back to rebounding like he did in the playoffs.

  18. youriko31

    26 games left, so the Dubs needs to go on a winning streak and show they’re still a threat in the West. But with the way they’re playing this season, they’re just a mid basketball team.

    GPII ain’t fixing the habit of chucking 3s. It’s all up to the coaches and players to make adjustments and actually play seriously. If they want to defend their title, they have to start playing smart.

  19. furionpoole

    Need to run PnR is clutch time situations. Poole to green or kuminga, over and over. Aim to get 15 footers.

    We need boring safe plays

  20. carthaginian84

    Is Bjelica actually playing in Turkey/Euroleague? I thought he signed over there but can’t find this years stats for the life of me.

  21. neo9027581673

    Warriors need to be really smart this summer. Masai Ujiri is licking his chops waiting for the Dubs to offer Kuminga and stuff for OG. DON’T DO IT.

  22. Ahrilicious

    I love reading nothing but doom posts every single loss. Just bet on the opposing team already

  23. neo9027581673

    “I was definitely expecting and hoping for a trade.” —Payton Pritchard

    Prediction: He’ll be on the Warriors next season.

  24. Funny-Butterscotch91

    I like to draw comparison between warriors motion offense and high volume screen and Barcelona tik taka. The last one changed football and was dominant for many years but made teams adapt and now is basically history. I think todays sports is ALL about eficience and GSW can only score after 3 players run for 10 seconds after multiple screens. Is this or a prayer from Poole after drible. Last quarter against Lakers was clear. Dray with the ball and waiting for players to run and get free to shoot a low percentagem shot. Eventually this motion offense will die as the gsw, Just like that Spurs no longer exists. I just wish It will take longer.

  25. TomatoBuster01

    Idc at this point. Just play Kuminga more and pass him the ball more

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