@Oklahoma City Thunder

Miss this

Miss this

by AdSufficient7259


  1. PlayfulIntroduction9

    No one remembers the run these guys were on when dre went down. Everything had started clicking and they were in their way.

  2. chloroform42

    I want to see Russ with PG again, even if he’s like 15m/game as the 9th man

  3. BlackTech00

    I love Dre but other than his defense he felt useless because he couldn’t shoot then we got Corey brewer cause of his injury

  4. Matty1138

    My goodness, Adams is a beast. Someone should crosspost this to r/AbsoluteUnits

  5. OKCThunderfan32

    I went to the OK3’s first game against the Knicks. I miss Roberson

  6. Inevitable-Camera-17

    Remember that time we blew out the warriors on the road? Pepperidge farm remembers

  7. ArtemisStanAccount

    Why does Paul George’s arm look like it’s decaying?

  8. Vatfagyna

    Goddamn such a bad photo the shading is so bad on PGs arm and Russ’ hands

  9. In todays nba (pre trade deadline) this would of been the #1 seed

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