@Philadelphia 76ers

Wrong on so many levels

Wrong on so many levels

by Gg1__


  1. throwawayjoeyboots

    What an absolutely awful group of players lol

  2. Jphorne89

    I remember how hype people were for Josh Richardson, but he was arguably more infuriating to watch than Ben Simmons in the playoffs. I don’t think I’ve seen someone make so many obvious bad decisions with the ball in their hands as him.

  3. fkdkshufidsgdsk

    Still convinced the Horford deal was some kind of undercover Boston psyop

  4. WhenPigsRideCars

    Guys, it’s 2023. Move on already.

  5. Most_Plenty5387

    Remember how much Ennis hated it here?

  6. may_day06

    This still feel the impact – put this organization years behind

  7. TTP767676

    Whenever you want to hate Morey, just remember how he get rid of these players and we got a nice returns for them.

  8. battletor7

    Putting elton brand in charge was such a mistake

  9. A bunch of low volume mid efficiency 3pt shooters. What could go wrong next to a post up center and a non shooter in Ben Simmons?

    The biggest sin was priotizing Simmons over Jimmy. They had the intel that Ben has a bad work ethic. They knew basketball was just a job for him. Yet they still choose him over known workaholic and all around badass Jimmy Butler who had amazing chemistry with Joel. At least Morey traded him at the last moment he had any value left

  10. Kiwikiss27

    Can we just pretend this year never happened

  11. This is what happens when you build a team without having a qualified GM on the payroll

  12. Still shocked Horford left the Celtics to begin with

  13. BassGuru82

    The single worst offseason in the history of Philadelphia Sports.

  14. black_ankle_county

    Ennis the Menace was a good role player and I miss him

  15. RocktheRebellious

    Tobi looking like he just robbed a bank..oh wait

  16. SaiyanRoyalty22

    Shout out to James Ennis III wanted to stay here forever

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