@Dallas Mavericks

[Marc Stein] Dallas will pursue the addition of Justin Holiday should Holiday secure a contract buyout from Houston, league sources say. The Rockets have already sent Danny Green (Cleveland-bound) and John Wall (available) to the NBA buyout market.

[Marc Stein] Dallas will pursue the addition of Justin Holiday should Holiday secure a contract buyout from Houston, league sources say. The Rockets have already sent Danny Green (Cleveland-bound) and John Wall (available) to the NBA buyout market.

by gabrigamer39


  1. rcoffers

    Dude is 33. đŸ€žđŸ»â™Ÿïž

  2. warpedspoon

    does this imply we won’t try for Stanley Johnson?

  3. Simple_Wait_7286

    Stanley Johnson makes more sense because of youth but Holiday isn’t too bad either.

  4. Stevie_McGhee

    Doesn’t he shoot like THJ? I dunno but everytime there’s a hawks game and I lurk in their game thread I usually read stuff like “pls stop shooting Justin”. LOL!

  5. Moe4ver

    When we give up another 133 points and lose, we will all wonder why.

    Let’s keep adding no defense players, we already have 90% of those on the team.

  6. Dirks_Knee

    Yawn. I mean…he should be ahead of Pinson/Frank so that’s not horrible, but was really hoping for a guy with a little more size.

  7. pimpfmode

    Jrue can opt out after next season. Mavs playing the long game by getting his brother. Powder will finally prevail.

  8. landman2002

    Man if we don’t land at least one of these buyouts our rotations are gonna be rough

  9. Accomplished_Bid_20

    Why won’t we sign a BIG MAN!!?? I do not understand we have needed that for years now man smh

  10. IrSpartacus

    Justin Holiday has been on 15 teams since 2012. Doesn’t seem like a smart move to me.

  11. Owl-False

    Only J. Holiday I want on this team is Jrue

  12. nutsygenius

    Fuck it. Anyone that would take Theo’s minutes and will never iso lol. Those Theo iso last night was horrendous lmfao got ptsd off it

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