@Chicago Bulls



by ThickWaffles


  1. Pretty much, but unless it’s the playoffs I can’t bring myself to watch other games so I still look forward to Bulls basketball haha. Damn it!

  2. lordrubbish

    Just wait until we get Westbrook, then repost

  3. Sungyul23

    This team is so soft. Mentally broken top to bottom. We gonna be in the lottery and orlando gets the pick fml

  4. Mammoth_Cookie_7809

    Throw in a bunch of lost money from my dumb ass keep betting on them and I’m way off the deep end

  5. RicardosMontalban

    Trading for Demar was really dumb and honestly a huge red flag on AKME’s ability to build a team.

    Love Demar, but he is the antitheses of what you want in today’s NBA.

    We have a bunch of assets nobody wants, no cap, no picks, a recently extended mediocre coach, and a shitty owner.

    We’re fucked for awhile.

  6. talclipse

    No way in hell Westbrick comes to this shithole unless its literally his ONLY option.

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