@Toronto Raptors

Throwback to when Raptor fans shut down Oracle arena and amazed Shaq, Kenny, and C-Webb

Throwback to when Raptor fans shut down Oracle arena and amazed Shaq, Kenny, and C-Webb

by Hazelwood38


  1. Thanks for sharing. I was there. Crazy times.

  2. Throwawayaway23848

    Those were the days… where our fanbase was all together and not at each others throat about the direction of the team 🙁

  3. I like about 7min in they all shut down ‘the Warriors look tired’ excuse

  4. Thealk3mist

    I’m just so damn happy we won a chip. Like fuck. So surreal.

  5. Eastern-Technology84

    … man Nick Nurse has aged like 10 years Jesus Christ

  6. edukated4lyfe

    Ever since the year 1995 I have had wished blowing out the candles on my birthday cake that The Raptors would make it to a Championship.

    Just the Championship! I wasn’t even wishing that they would win a Chip

    My owner shut down our restaurant and bar down early for game 6. We sat at the bar and watched the game. I was asked that night, “What I would do if we won?” I said “that I would cry”.

    When the buzzer sounded I was in tears! UN-FREAKING-REAL!

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